
Do you complain to your boss about other employees?

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Or do you try to handle it yourself first?

This is not for me, I'm just curious how others handle difficult situations at work. I don't think I ever complained about someone to my boss (not to say that I never had a problem with someone else!).




  1. No I try not too.But if one of my coworkers is taking their position too far or one of my coworkers is abusing the residents at the nursing home I'm at.I have to speak up to the boss.Its my job as a CNA to protect the residents. Like when my coworker reported the nurse who verbally abused one of the residents and physically abused her days later.She had a right to report it to the boss and state.The nurse was fired.She got what she deserved.She had no right to tell that poor innocent elderly woman that she smell like wet p***y and she had no right to beat on her days later.She was just a vicious nurse.

    There are just some things you don't keep silent.

    Now there are some coworkers who take the tattling on someone too far.Now if the person keeps complaining to their boss about stupid stuff then yes it is annoying.

    There is this nurse on my current job who is so childish.She sits up and runs upstairs to the supervisor all the time and just nitpicks people.Several people have reported her to the Director of Nursing.SOme people have even changed shifts because of her.She just nitpicks people and is always running to the boss for stupid stuff.My boss said she is so tired of her always coming to her.That is childish.This woman is in her 30s.She too old for that. Just like when all the CNAs finish their rounds and they talk, she thinks that people are talking about her so she runs upstairs and lies to the boss and says we didn't do rounds and then the boss comes downstairs asking if we did rounds. This nurse is just miserable and childish and petty.

    Now she is taking complaining to the boss too far.She was kicked off of 2 other shifts.

    I don't know if you heard about the 2 aides who killed a resident at a nursing home here in Chicago.If someone had of spoken up about their behavior before then, this man would still be alive.

    There are just some things you don't keep silent.If it involves the safety of a person, and someone is being abused verbally or physically you must speak up to prevent death or injury.

  2. You address it with the problem person first.

    If that doesn't work, keep it moving up the chain of command to either your boss, or their boss.

  3. I do, just because he has a supervisory position and I don't. As long as it is a valid complaint and work-related rather than personal I can't see any harm in bringing it to my bosses attention.

  4. When I am facing an issue, I will study into the problems and treat problems as challenges. Complaining about a person means you are trying to go against someone for whatever reasons maybe that you find too competitive to be finding fault in a person is the means of getting rid of intellectuals in politics or competitors advisors due to better employees in competitor's site. To me, getting new knowledge is important and I take problems as challenges to get solutions based on the knowlewdge i try researching in. Will not be angry with anyone more intellegent in my working place or competitors employee because I think solutions and problem solving skills is what i am seeking for not deskilling and getting rid of hardworking/skill workers from competition is my character, I like fair competition and fair constructive criticism and will not think business are humans and have to be bad or a human terminator is a bad way to cheat business, but to me business are problems and challenges and working together with friends for we do not know everything in this world to be honest, but i will try to seek knowledge without stopping, with team that is moving forward. It looks strange when somebody to look at humans backgound, study their private life and go too personal and not interested in real solutions and results for the organisation.

    Complains only come when something major happen you have to report for a lost identification card or burglary because you need to stop them doing criminal activities on your car or property like taking advantage of your wirings to steal electricity affecting your home bills or stealing your house water that you do not have water to drink for example, because, that will affect your Image of energy being tapped for criminal activites unknown by you affecting your debts for example. Well it is normal for a lady to complain if there is any sexual force or rape in work place, i am not against on sexual crime/molest/rape/pregnant complains too, this is considered major due to criminal activity like drugging or by force against a weaker community.

    When you are at work concentrate on your problems and solutions, not people but constructive solutions for your company based on your knowledge, do not get  friendly with opposite gender in office, because you will never know suddenly, the employee is actually the mistress of the boss for example and can cause unnessesary office politics unaware by you. I am glad my new office in Singtel does not have politics like this now to hide them from their wives probing

  5. No, I try to get along and keep my mouth shut.  Complaining to your boss marks you as not a team player.

  6. i don't because if word gets out it would be awkward...i just think of it as it's a job, and people are going to be dumb, irritating, and the like....even if the boss knew, he wouldn't do anything about it...i don't want to be a i tell my friends or my family, but don't let it become an issue with the ppl i work with...

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