
Do you complain when you get bad food in restaurants?

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Or are you scared of when they take your food away and bring it back there is gonna be a few ingrediants on your food thats not on the recipe? :S




  1. yes if its not up to my standed

  2. It is possible to complain with humour and grace and not offend anyone and with that in mind, I have no problem complaining.

    P.S. What restaurant was it?

  3. people don't really do that unless you have being rude about it and the chef knows it!

  4. When I rarely get the chance to "go out" for dinner, I do not hestitate to send something back if I don't like it, it's not good, it's under/overcooked......any of those things, but I always say the truth in the kindest of words that I have.  AND, I never re-order the same dish, I think if it was bad the first time, what are the odds of the second try being any better?  Of course, your concern is also one of mine, I don't know who's in the kitchen doing what to my plate because they have "ego issues", so I go with something quick and easy, so I'm not eating alone because my fellow diners will be done with their dinner when I get my second choice.  I do give every place I eat (that I've had problems with) a second chance, but after that, I do NOT go back.

  5. it's how you complain

    get up and walk out if it is that bad what are they going to do

  6. if i don' t like the food i eat it and when the server asks how everything is. tell them i don't want a new dish but i'm not paying for something that has no taste.

  7. only when it is so ineffably bad that the proprietor deserves to know if his/her chef is c**p.

  8. If I;m not getting what I paid for I complain. If they do something to it in the back I wont know now will I? That will be on their concience. Besides most places now have cameras in the kitchen or they make the workers visible so you can see your food. I don't worry about it too much.

  9. I am willing to speak up, if I am really unhappy with the food, but I do it nicely because the wait person did not cook the food.

    I also will speak up if the food is not as pictured on their menu, meaning missing something that was stated to be served with the meal.

    Most times the problem is solved quickly and to my satisfaction.

    If it is not, then I won't go back to that place.

    I really don't worry about "revenge" by the cooks.

    That is the stuff of some really funny movies!

  10. I should but i don't. I complain after the meal if i plan to never ever go back.

    I Just remembered one time when i did. The chef sent us chicken that was still red. The staff looked mortified and slightly worried. I'm guessing that as we had eaten some (before we realised) they were expecting us to either drop dead or sue.

  11. If it's bad enough, get ur check and leave. that's the safest thing to do.

  12. Sadly, people think that complaining involves shouting and being angry. It doesn't. If I have bad food at a restaurant, I politely but firmly inform the staff. If they handle the complaint to my satisfaction then no harm done. If they do not then you have a legal right to pay what you think the meal was worth provided you leave your name and address. I have done this on several occasions and never heard anything from the restaurants afterwards.

    If you complain like a pratt, then you run the unlikely risk of being a victim of the "revenge" tactics of the restaurant. If you do it correctly then you will get what you want.

  13. I only ask them to take it back if it is underdone or spoiled, but I'm nice about it. If it tastes bad, it's just a bad restaurant, and I don't go back.

  14. Yes I do, and also when I've been waiting over half an hour for it to arrive.

  15. I ordered onion rings at Carl's Jr., and they were absolutely swimming in oil ... inedibly WET. I tried mopping off the grease with napkins, which was ineffective. The cardboard container they came in was full of oil at the bottom, too. Leaking. UGH.

    I went back to the register and asked for a manager, showed her the dripping rings, and asked for my money back (politely). Unfortunately, none of the cashiers had been trained to give refunds, so all three register totals got screwed up in the process!!!

  16. Yes if it is necessary. Once we were in a Thai place and the other half order some sorbet for afters and it tasted of fish, so we complained and they said, they cant take it back, cos they couldn't sell it again, as it had been out of the freezer, duhhhhh, eventually had it taken off the bill. Cheek buggers :)

  17. I just get out of tht Restaurants without paying or saying anything! Seriously

  18. Everything depends on the kind of restaurants you are. If you are in a proper and nice place and needs to complain about your plate do it properly in a gentil way. I'm sure nothing will be place on it.

    If you go to a MacDonnald or something cheaper that's a risk you take depending the attitudes of the employee.

    Obviously...depending the geographical place you are too!

    Finally....look around before going to eat outside.

  19. for a fact .If i get bad food from a restaurant I'll not be returning, so nasty thoughts of strange things in my future orders won't apply.   And yes  I call them back  or post it in the local paper. the few times i called them  they try to give me gift cards coupons, but never a refund....

  20. oh yeah of course you got to complain if it isnt good the customer is always right

  21. no never that, i work in a cafe, would not do that. and i never complain, unless the food is really gross,

  22. I own a restaurant and have seen all sorts of things. You are quite within your rights to send something back if it is under/overcooked but please don't send it back if you don't like it because you have never tasted it before. Several people have ordered a dish which comes as described and then decided they didn't like it and were just experimenting. They then try not to pay for it! Any half decent restaurant or chef would never let rubbish leave the kitchen anyway. If I found out my chefs were 'adding' things, I would sack them on the spot. It depends where you are eating, it is an old saying, you get what you pay for. If you are in a cheap burger/kebab bar then it will probably be rubbish. I admit a lot of pretentious, s****. restaurants are complacent and expect people to pay a lot for very little. At the end of the day, if your experience was bad, you won't return, end of story. I rely so much on return business that  have to keep my standards high but am becoming amazed at some people nowadays who expect something for nothing and want it within minutes of setting foot in the place.

  23. if its really bad then yes, if its bearable i just put it down to experience and dont go back. however one time i had a meal with mashed potato on the side and it was that 'smash' stuff that you mix up and there was still powdery bits in the mash. yuck! not good and i wasnt impressed so i complained and the waitress simply said 'oh sorry. do you want the 'chef' to mix it some more for you?' needless to say we never returned!!

  24. I don't complain - I bring it to thier attention.

    Chances are they didn't give you bad food on purpose, it doesn't make sense to get all crazy on someone.

    I'm more pissed off when fast food places forget an item & I have to go back to get it. Even worse is when they don't compensate me with a free coupon or something extra

  25. I'm never scared of saying something if I get something different than I ordered...I just do it politely!!

  26. I once ordered chicken croquets that were as hard as a hockey puck. I called the manager over and smacked the thing against the table a few times. I got a new meal (different menu item) and the cook got fired (apparently not the first complaint).

  27. If the food is cold, undercooked or burnt I will complain. I do feel some people complain just to try and get a free meal. I have had to deal with that first hand. Value for money at the end of the day is what you ask for whether it be a £2.50 sandwich or a £40 dinner.

  28. If the food is burned or undercooked then yes send it back. But if you are at a restaurant you frequently go to and you already know what the food tastes like and it comes out tasting weird let them know. But it it's a restaurant you have never been too, just don't go to it again.

  29. no, we don't bi-ch for just any reason, the food has to really suck or be ice cold and then we don't gripe that much we just never go back and we badmouth the place.

  30. Good question and I think some answerers miss your point.

    I would indeed be concerned that the chef will take suitable revenge for the insult no matter how politely one returns the food.

    Alternatives are simply sending back the food and leaving,completing the meal and then complaining or making sure you blacken the name of the business evermore.(my particular favourite).

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