
Do you concider the word "retarted" to be bad?

by Guest60330  |  earlier

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Kids and stuff are using the word retarted a whole ton. Do you find it to be a bad word?




  1. yes

  2. I don't say it unless I mean "mentally retarded", and even then I say it correctly.  It isn't a bad word, it's just how it's used.

  3. It didn't use to be. It simply means delayed. But immature mean people have made it a bad word. Remember when g*y meant happy? I don't think it's bad by definition, but I don't like to use it simply because most other people think it's bad.

  4. Scientifically the term "mental retardation" is a correct descriptor for certain developmental and cognitive disabilities.

    Children need to learn the proper meaning of the phrase and learn that mental retardation is not an insult, but a medical condition like nearsightedness or diabetes.

    Because of improper use of the phrase "mental retardation" it has become politically incorrect and other descriptors have been introduced to take the sting out of the reality of cognitive impairment and developmental handicaps.

    An IQ of 70 or below is mental retardation.  I have seen IEPs for kids with IQs in the sixties being described as "learning disabled".  That is not a good thing.  Parents are deceived into thinking a little special education will make their kids "normal".

    As to kids using the word "retarded" as an insult, it is sad.

    Someday the term "developmentally disabled" will become an insult and a new euphemism will have to be introduced to take the sting out of the reality a parent's child is disabled and will never be "normal"

  5. I think 'retarted' means "turned into a tart again."

    Seriously, retarded is as good a term as any to describe a person whose development is significantly behind the average, particularly if there is no expectation that he or she will ever reach 'normal' capabilities.  The great majority of Down Syndrome children fall in this category.

    It is not a word to use in a social setting, and, applied inappropriately, it is insensitive and insulting.  Persons struggling with handicaps have enough difficulties without being labelled.

    It is not uncommon to you euphemisms ('nice words') to avoid saying 'retarded' in the presence of the person or his/her friends and relatives.  "Special education" is an example.

    The simplest solution is to avoid labels of any kind.  The person has a name.  Use it.

  6. I don't think the word retarded is bad, but a lot of people do.  Apparently, while 'mentally impaired' or 'challenged' and 'retarded' mean the exact same thing, 'mentally challenged' is considered more polite - probably because teens use the word retarded and because mentally challenged takes longer to say, or some stupid reason like that.

  7. Considering the fact that I've been called "retarded" all my life due to having a learning disability, I find the word to be rather offensive and it should not be used.

  8. It is a bit harsh. Mentally challenged sounds better and is a lot less offensive.

  9. Retarded is an old word that everyone uses when other kids are doing something stupid or something they never thought of.

    It was used in the 70's,80's,and 90's,it stopped from being used,but then people just brought it back to life.

  10. First, it's retarded, not retarted. It's a bad word when it is used as an insult as in "Dude, that is so retarded". It is hurtful to people who are retarded and their families when it is used that way. Retarded means having an IQ below a certain point which leads to learning more slowly than others.

  11. I think that  is many quarters that the word has an awful connotation and should not be used. Instead of saying that a child is retarded in math  we can say that he is behind in math.

  12. Actually, I hate it. However, according to AP Style it is the recommended word to use.

  13. It is not bad unless you use it to describe someone to make him feel bad or as an insult. Is the word used for what It means is not bad to use It, If It makes you feel guilty you can use instead mentally disadvantaged.

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