
Do you consciously make environmentally-friendly consumer choices when you go shopping?

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If so, what factors do you consider in your choices; and if not, why not?




  1. No. I buy what I need.

  2. Yes, and I am continuing to educate myself on the subject as well as the fact that I have always been what people call an "organic" gardener.   I have always understood that effort, when growing food or flowers from seed to hand, is required and I think we are all starting to see the consquences from *past* decisions made to use shortcuts when it comes to growing what has always come naturally from seed.   I have always had respect for plants and the bees...something needs to be done...somewhere something is getting over-looked or needs attention and I surely hope the problem is not out of hand.  Anyways, I am happy that I did and do make conscious  decisions personally in my garden but for those who didn't or do not there is always change available.   Just like the changes I've made because I can't say that all the decisions I made as a consumer/homemaker were right when it came to feeding my family in the past on every level.  My husband and I are into eating healthier - with understanding -  and also supporting natural efforts beyond vegetables on a consumer level.  Yes, we are conscious consumers.

    "Ceritified Organic" is a very expensive government process  but required for claims to trust by large companies selling their goods and it is a good thing..expensive, but positive because it's a promise to a large group of consumers.   When mistakes are made what is most honorable thing to's always been to fix what is in our control to fix and since it's not all about money and living in the moment strangely enough new markets  open ...well well well.    That is because things are starting to go into right direction and as consumers things people purchased built those companies in the past so yes, we are feeling the prices as well.  Any company moving towards going evironmentally friendly can take pride in their goods, given their educating/motivation,  and so also a step towards respecting the consumer along with our environment.  It's statement of respect.

    I am not a company but a person who is a wife, mom, neighbor etc.   People have urged me, and I am moving towards this, to sell my vegetables on a small scale they know are grown with effort and respect and they are right.   I can keep my healthy practices and give a little locally.  I've always just given extras away and obviously fed my family good produce.  It's taken me time, my time and effort, to learn all that I know that works ....companion planting according to the soil on this property, what is safe for my lawn,  my home etc.  Hard water is a tough deal : (    It's pretty tuff stinker on the home that's for sure.   We still don't drink the water despite a softener (?) that is challeged by another natural part of the environment.   Lime and rust are absolutely nasty.   I haven't found anything safe enough to deal with it when gets out of hand which does occur.  Homemakers are busy and have a life outside vinegar and wiping things down just like any everyone else who works outside the home who does not stay at their place of employment 24/7.  

    Expense to the consumer is high right now.    It's silly to think it's cheaper to go or buy wrong when buying but think a little that what is really taking place?  Out of respect for our health and family cheap is not always a bargain if we are consuming it.  In no way am I happy with the prices but I do understand the man-power that is behind change as well as the fact that prices will come down as soon as nature becomes natural (dah) in the market place.  As for for some of the environmentally safe approaches to products, just like everything else there will be the stinkers that try and break into the market with a living-in-the-moment scheme-4-cash but most are trying to straighten things up and it's not going to happen yesterday but today is where we start and tomorrow is where efforts will turn into results.

    Factors and choices:  Do what is right to the best of our ability...all of us.  If we fudge up don't ignore it and motivate change.  Share with others as well and stay away from falling into negative belief.  There are people out there that truly believe that people have no business righting wrongs and therefore standing up for what is right ...a real downer but they are usually after something.   It's like they are saying "we need chaos" as if that will only work for them they spread it verbally by calling people names such as "perfectionists" and to me that is what *they* are doing.  Who needs codependency on chaos and for things to be going all wrong for others to benefit?    ~~Not me~~  I'd rather put my efforts elsewhere and know that I am not a perfectionist, you should see my house during planting season.  Realize not everything is to be looked at like a natural disaster brought on by mother nature - that's it blame mom (lol) but really that's childish.  Some we do bring on ourselves and if we mess it up or it needs work, many times we have the knowledge to fix it as well and then can say we took positive steps.  That is lot better attitude than doing the *big nothing* or expecting spilled milk can clean itself up.

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