
Do you consider 12 years old as "young", "teen", "immature", "mature" etc.?

by Guest56176  |  earlier

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what do you consider 12 years old to be? is it mature? or immature? is it still a kid? practically a teen?




  1. young

    they arent teens yet.

  2. Young, immature.

  3. A p*****n. On the verge of becoming a teenager. Much of their behavior is teenager-ish, and yet it's still child-ish. They're probably just as confused as to where exactly they fit in as everyone around them is.

  4. but it all depends on the kid, and yes you are still a kid.

    eventhough you are typically still very immature at 12, that doesn't mean you are not capable of being responsible

    don't worry...I know 20yr olds who are still really immature

  5. 12 is young immature and still a kid you don't want to grow up to fast enjoy your youth.  

  6. Young, still a kid and immature. No offense!

  7. I think that it depends on the child. They are preteens, but most are just maturing, while those special kids are mature already. Watch your child for a bit, but if they ask, they are a p*****n or tween.

  8. little kids

  9. Some 12 year old's are very immature and childish, but there is always the exception to take it just as an exception.

  10. immature. No matter how mature they think they are.

  11. It really depends on the person. There's not a specific age where you become mature. It all depends on you.

  12. most 12 y.o are immature

  13. A p*****n... usually quite immature.

  14. 12 year olds are preteens, and are usually immature.

  15. If you say OMG, your immature.

    I don't they are immature, I think that ship has sailed already. They act immature around siblings and friends but not in front of parents or new people they meet. I consider them on the verge of a teen, so a pre-teen.



  16. Okay i'm 13

    and people in my class are pretty imature but then the other half in mature so i would say depending on who the person is what matters you can't just say off she/he is 12 there imature? Thats basiclly judging to me so know who the person is before you say if they are imature or not...also i'm only imature when i'm at home joking around with mys sister xD besides that i think i;m pretty mature but i agree with the person at teh top you do learn new things right so...


  17. Not immature, well not girls anyway. Boys at that age are very immature.

    Good Luck!

  18. if i was to refer to 12yo in general: sort of a teen, but still little and a bit immature.

    however i have a 12yo sister who acts like shes 5 so...

  19. i think they are still young and immature.

    and they are a tween, im pretty sure 10-12 is a tween. not a teen

    im 14 and i cant believe all immature things i did when i was 13! but im sure i will feel that way every year. everyone is always learning new things ever year, so its ok.

  20. mature.

  21. immature up to like 14 when ur 14 it gets better but still immature.hehe 15 is good

  22. it's a kid

  23. a tween sorry but also still a kid anyone under 18 is a child but 12 is still kinda a kid.

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