
Do you consider Sara Palin to be just another " typical white person " ?

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Do you consider Sara Palin to be just another " typical white person " ?




  1. No get it right typical Conservative White Woman................

  2. what is a typical white person?  

    she's white, she's a person....sounds typical

    McCain/Palin 08

  3. Not at all, she's an Alaskan secessionist.  

  4. No. I consider that statement racist.  

  5. No - just another Republican.

  6. No.... I am very tired of a statement taken out of context.  Your point now is very boring.

  7. No, I consider her to be a typical right-wing conservative who preaches family values and abstinence-only education but gets hoisted in her own petard.

    And I consider you to be a faux black person with an offensive avatar and nickname.

  8. Typical white person - no.

    Typical Republican - yes.

    It's funny that people keep calling McCain a "maverick" for this pick.  She's more Republican than he is.

  9. No, she's another typical Bible thumping, gun slinging, hypocritical Republican.  

  10. Not in politics, - she isn't another Washington suit which is what I like about her, she will have to think issues through rather then doing favours for her buddies on Capitol Hill.

  11. troll

  12.   Married mother, never had an abortion, made something of herself, educated and self reliant, typical white person, I'd say so.

  13. Wow I didnt know Jeremiah Wirght was a Y! answers user.

  14. Yup.

    And I like her, too.

  15. Ummm no since she's under investigation for lying and abuse of power. And wanted Alaska to secede from the USA.

  16. No, most typical white people don't shoot moose and then eat them, want to secede, and put their children's personal lives in mainstream media.

    At least, no one I know.

  17. I don't think there is such a thing as a "typical white person".  Or a "typical black person", a "typical democrat", or a "typical republican", for that matter.

  18. Bit typical white person always rules this nation, right?

  19. Not at all...just a typical Republican.

  20. Typical - No. She's more a "hick" than most.

  21. Not at the least. She is however, a typical backwoods hick with no right being within a heartbeat of the White House.

    The broad is in favor of banning books!!!! She actually tried to have books banned in public library of the town she was mayor in!!! Umm hello Constitution!

  22. do you?

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