
Do you consider Steve Irwin a groundbreaker in the field of wildlife conservation? Why?

by Guest56917  |  earlier

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Do you consider Steve Irwin a groundbreaker in the field of wildlife conservation? Why?




  1. Kind of... it's just the way he went about entertaining the public as he taught about wildlife conservation and it made him so popular therefore it made people so much more aware.  So in a way he opened doors for other people to follow in his footsteps...

  2. A ground breaker No

    Attenborough was a ground breaker.

    But Steve had an exiting style and he was amusing as well as very informative,a lot of people watched him.

    and thus he was extremely effective as a soldier for Nature ,bringing it home to the people and making them familiar and so loose their fears.

    He was first class in my book ,and a great loss to all of us who try to make people understand and love nature so that they will end up more sympathetic and less destructive about it

    And a great loss to Nature ,which has lost a great spokesman.

  3. No, he was in show business.  The real wildlife conservation est was huge Hefner.

  4. I consider Steve Irwin the Steve Erkle of willdlife,with a dash of Michael Jackson lunacy. I applaud the fact that he combined comedy and stupidity together to make an insane amount of money.

    It's a shame how he died.....He was onto something.....all he had to do was sign a contract with Comedy Central and the royalties would pour in.  

    I don't recall Jacques-Yves Cousteau jumping on the back of a great white shark and riding for 8 seconds  or jumping in pirranah infested waters for fun. So he played it safe and   was amazing and very dedicated to his oceanic research. This is as no brainer.....Cousteau died at age 87 and Irwin was 44. A an adjective I would hesitate to use when describing Irwin. A walking advertisement for prozac or zolloft would be more appropriate.

  5. Steve Was the BEST off all.. soon will be the first aniversary of his death...   He was a true hero for many, a dedicated conservationist. no one like him will step foot on this planet.

            Rest in peace Steve.

  6. No!  All I ever seen him do was taunt the most dangerous animals into attacking him, to give the audience, "The element of surprise."  I'm sure he did allot of good, but he isn't the ground breaker.  Jeff Corwin would be a more likely candidate for that.  Or maybe that Hannah  guy...I remember him when I was little.

  7. NO, No, no, no, no.

    Marvin Perkins was the true groundbreaker.  He set the stage for other television personalities within the field of wildlife conservation.

    Steve Irwin was still in the field of wildlife conservation, but he is best remembered for his entertainment value.  Steve Irwin was the most entertaining wildlife conservationist on television.

  8. I don't think he was the ground breaker, I think Marlin Perkins was the ground breaker.  Steve, however, did fabulous work in the field of animals and it is nothing but a huge shame that he had to die the way he did.  God rest his soul.

    Marlin Perkins hosted the very first animal show many many years ago.

  9. Steve Irwin was an entertainer, not a conservationists.  The true pioneers in this field are David Attenborough, Jacques Cousteau and Marlin Perkins.  It's interesting to note that the first two have been knighted for their environmental efforts.

    Not to speak ill of the dead, but Irwin relied on the elements of danger and sensationalism to promote himself and his show.  There was very little content in the aspects of education or conservation in his programing.

    It's horrible the way he went out, but it still doesn't entitle him to be praised for efforts he never pursued.

  10. Steve Irwin would not be a groundbreaker in the field of wildlife. Remember, he was an entertainer and not quite an conservationist. And although he did exciting and dangerous shows, he did not contribute very much to conservatory education in his shows.

    But he did bring awareness to wildlife and brought much broader audiences. And Steve Irwin  will be greatly missed.

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