
Do you consider a 3.0 GPA to be good, avereage or what..?

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I want to hopefully become a OBGYN...

and I plan on applying for scholarships ...

What best sites should I search for the best scholarships...

Where can I find the best....

and the best colleges I can with my grades...

I have not taken the SAT yet... im taking it June 7...




  1. that is not a good gpa if you are planning on becoming a doctor.  if you continue with that type of gpa in college you might want to look into nursing instead cause you will not be getting into medical school in the US.  not trying to be mean here, just the facts.

    Also, it is not a very strong gpa as far as obtaining scholarships based on scholastic performance or getting admitted to a better school.

  2. Yes a 3.0 translates in to a B. Which is a 80-89% understanding of your overall course material. That's great.

    You can apply on places like but all I got out of it was a bunch of spam email.

    I recommend check with your guidance councilor and the college you are thinking about attending. Your guidance councilor will help you with finding a school for your OBGYN degree and will help you find Reliable scholarships. After finding your school of choice, their website will often have information about scholarships they offer or one's avaibale to their students.

    But defintiely meet with your senior guidance councilor at school. That's what they are there for.

    Good luck.

  3. Are you in High School? Yes a 3.0 GPA is just fine hun. Hard work and integrety (I believe) will take you farter than a lot of intelligence with out those two things. A really good college for pre-med is University of Iowa. And it's a really fun school. I don't know where you're from or where you want to go but ask your school counseler for some good ideas of pre-med school. As a 21 year old college student, it really doesn't matter that much where you decide to go to school as far as "the best college for business" or "the best college for nursing" I think it's more about what you put into it. I've been to 2 different colleges and have enjoyed them both. Just please do yourself a favor and remember your goals when all the parties run in and your friends wanna go out wed,thur,fri, sat, I've seen a lot of smart kids drop out or get kicked out because they went out all the time. No fear of going out on the weekends or having some fun, just prioritize.

    Next, I know you want to be an OBGYN and thats awesome, but keep your mind open to other careers as well, a lot of college students change their mind3-6 times and sometimes their major just as many times while in college.

    Next, I don't know about the rest of the world but most colleges accept SAT as well as ACT in Iowa, Nebraska, and Missouri, but almost everyone I know takes the ACT. I don't know why, maybe it's more readily available.

    Choose your collge on

    1-distance from home (whether you want it to be farther or shorter)

    2- extra curricular activities (schools and scholarships love it when you volunteer)

    3-cost!!! oh boy i cant stress it enough

    I just wanted to tell you one of my good friends went to a 2 year school near home and lived at home his first year and saved a bunch of money. 1st semester of his 2nd year lived at home and went to the same school and then his 2nd semester transfered to the univ. I'm at now. He's graduating after the summer with a lot less cost than me and most of our friends.

    Something to think about.  Good luck!

  4. 3.0 is OK but people with a 4.0 will most likely get in before you

  5. It's good. Is that with honors or AP classes, or just taking the easiest classes available to you? Either way I'm sure you could get in somewhere and pursue your dreams.

  6. 3.0 is  a "B" average in the US.  But you can do better!!

    Ask where your parents work if they offer scholarships.

    Ask your local chamber of commerce if businesses in your area have any offerings. But the BEST source is your guidance counselor at school.  Besides grades, are you involved in any extra curricular activities at school? (join clubs, run track or swim club, chess club, debate club, etc.).Colleges want to take a "well rounded" student who is involved more than a geek with an A average.  Keep that in mind.

    Good Luck!

    Good luck with SAT's.

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