
Do you consider cheer leading a sport?

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I honestly consider cheer leading a sport because it takes practice, skill, and dedication. Some people think that cheer leading isn't a sport because the cheer leaders smile and look good. I want to know what you think. Is cheer leading a sport? Why do you think so.




  1. Sure

  2. It is a sport. no doubt bout it.

  3. do cheer leaders have cheer leaders cheer leading them while they compete in their "competitions"? no they dont. you know why? because cheer leaders cheer for the sport. they cheer for the players playing the sport.

    Cheer leading is NOT a sport. and to anyone who thinks that it is...go watch the Olympics.

  4. h**l yeah it's a sport.

    I'm on the cheerleading squad at my school, and we practice harder then a lot of the varsity sports.

    Besides, what other sport can throw people 20 feet in the air and still stay on count?

  5. yes it is a sport for all the reasons you mentioned but i find the sport to be very irritating.  

  6. Most people say that it isn't a sport because they think that you just learn a bunch of cheers and stunts. Well I am a cheerleader and I can tell you straight up right now that cheer leading is a sport. My coach would and still does make a run like three laps around our huge field because we didn't get the cheer right. I hope I helped you. If it gets hard for you just try alot harder like I did and I wouldn't mess up as much. GOOD LUCK!!!




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