
Do you consider hybrid technology to be an innovative approach concerning the future of the automobile?

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Do you consider hybrid technology to be an innovative approach concerning the future of the automobile?




  1. Absolutely especially with the way gas is. I would not be surprised to see some fuel cell technology soon. If you look at the manufacturers, everyone is going that way. And soon I think it might be a standard

  2. Innovative - yes. Environmentally friendly? Not necessarily. The destruction to the habitat surrounding the mines that provide the nickel for the batteries is unbelievable. The area around the nickel mines in Canada is virtually un-inhabitable.

    Not to mention, the nickel is mined in Canada, sent to the US for refining, shipped to China for manufacturing and then shipped to Japan for installation into the cars, which are then finally shipped to the US for sale.

    Hybrid technology is definitely innovative, but not as green as you might think.

  3. No I do not. It is at best a stop gap measure. Look at this way. What is the most available source of energy that exist today? Electricity can be found even in the remotest areas. In the past few years there has been great improvements in battery technology. Give the techies a few more years and they may develop a battery that will go 400 miles without a charge. The only problem will be that the oil lobby will fight it all the way. All the gas stations would turn into quick marts with electrical outlets. There are many ways to generate more electricity, most do not require oil. The US could be once again a self sufficient country.

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