
Do you consider identity politics to be separatist movements or as helping the disenfranchised?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It's pretty divisive and bias because it focus only on a particular group and fighting for more "rights" for that group, sometime at the expense of others.

  2. Bit of a poncey question.

    That has been precisely the idea behind feminism: winning the same political privileges as men. Almost everyone on here also knows that a fringe section of feminism is separatist, but they are not the majority.

    Perhaps you mean that identity politics is necessarily separatist? No, it seeks inclusion or to assert its rights.

  3. Unless these groups actually come up with some evidence of discrimination against them, they don't have a leg to stand on.

  4. Some yes but not all.  I don't consider masculist or  feminists movements separatists  because they are fighting for rights they consider missing from their lives.  I do however consider these two movements to be separatists movements because they preach segregation:

    Although there are extremists in our political parties, focus groups, feminists and masculists organizations I feel like the common goal of most of these people is to coexists with equal footing.  Not so with the two groups in my link. They place ethnicity above human unity.

  5. Helping the disenfranchised.

    Without "identity politics" people in wheelchairs wouldn't be able to enter many public buildings (no ramps) or use public transportation.  Pressure groups get results if they can prove a need that isn't being addressed.  And they did.

  6. i love lamp...

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