
Do you consider it immature for a 17 year old to love disney princesses?

by  |  earlier

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and even decorate thier room in them w/ multiple posters pillow casses and conveter ect.




  1. Not at all.  Somethings just don't fade away for some people.  I'm 24 and still cuddle and sleep with a plushie of my favorite cartoon character, and also have tons of merchandise and my bedroom walls are painted with him on them.  BTW, I own the house which I so 'maturely' take care of.  I do everything on my own, including running my own business which brings in an estimated $120k cash in my pocket every year, but I guess that isnt good enough because I like cartoons.

      Being a child at heart is an amazing thing, otherwise you'd just become a miserable cow or bitter towards life.  I've been told by so many that I'm one of the most mature people they've ever met, so I don't think an interest from my childhood is affecting my maturity level any.

  2. I think its immature for anyone to still depend on their peers to define THEMSELVES.

    It's YOUR room, rock the Snow White if you want! You're not hurting anybody!

  3. yes.

  4. Yes. Time to grow up.

  5. Yess

    Thats like me playing with toys I dont even play computer games alone anymore its sad grown out of that

  6. uuummm,

    well the whole decoration whole room with posters thing is a bit weird,but i guess 1 poster or something like that is ok.disney is awesome and has loads of lessons to teach us,but maybe make ur obsession a little less obvious.

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