
Do you consider it rude when ur friends constantly kiss in front of u?

by  |  earlier

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I have 2 friends that have recently gotten together, and I am definately happy for them... however it kind of bugs when we all hang out bc they are hugging, kissing (pecks not making out) and just talking amongst each other. I know I should expect it but to me its a little much. I don't feel like we are hanging out as a GROUP any more. I wish that they would just do it on their own time.

Literally I will be standing infront of them talking and they would start kissing and looking at each other, n then I feel akward.

Maybe I am overreacting, But I have an issue with couples PDA when they're out with a group of ppl.

My bf n I r always together when we hang out with each others friends n we act normal.

we save all the lovey dovey touchy-feely stuff for when we are alone,

I figured it common sense courtesy? or is it just me?




  1. Yes I do consider it rude if they are CONSTANTLY kissing in front of me. It kind of feels awkward when couples just start having a full make-out session in front of you to me its a little rude.      

  2. Actually what your friends did was stupid. How come they kissed in front of you. Your feeling tells you something you have a crush in one of ur male friend.  

  3. It's not really rude, it's just kinda inconsiderate. I don't really do things like that around my friends, unless it's like a few groups of couples and we are all kinda talkin to ourselves for the time being, but even then I don't much... I think it's kinda awkward for myself too, not just my friends sitting around me.

  4. It seems to me that if your two friends started trying to suck each others' face off while they were with a group, then what they're doing is an inconsiderate and very infantile, "Look at ME! Look at ME! Look at ME!" thing.

    But I don't understand why you might have problems with them talking to each other, holding hands, standing with arms around each other or kissing briefly, either on cheek or lips.

    Is it possible that you come from a family where displays of affection are very limited? I did, and it took me a long time to get over my repressed upbringing.

    If the two of them spend _all_ the time kissing, cuddling and talking only to each other, than that's pretty rude, even if understandable when they're a new item. But there is a hint in your question that you'd prefer it if they actually avoided even looking at each other when they're with your group. I do not think it reasonable of you to expect that and, if you would indeed prefer them to keep that sort of distance from each other, I do wonder if you might not have feelings for the boy.

    You say they should "do it on their own time".

    Firstly, that implies that you think that the time they spend with the group is somehow partly "yours" and you have the right to expect them to act toward each other in a particular way when they're in your presence. Do you believe that is reasonable of you?

    Second, it's not at all clear how much of "their own time" they might have. If they're young teens, it seems to me possible that the time they spend together with the rest of the group is also a large portion of their free time.

    Frankly, I think you need to lighten up a bit and accept that people have different styles in displaying affection as in most other things. For you and your boyfriend, what works best is being close in private and that's fine. For your friends, they don't mind being a bit more public, and that's fine too so long as they don't violate any Public Decency laws. If you feel uncomfortable with how they're behaving, then perhaps you should just look away or find something else to do with your time.

  5. yeah i find it rude too

  6. No.

  7. well, it seems they can't control their emotions. just go away and leave them. am sur they won't mind . They didn't mind you being there anyway

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