
Do you consider masturbation bad or immoral?

by  |  earlier

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Will it get you to h**l (if you believe in it, if not that's ok )

Please no religion-atheist fight




  1. it is very normal.

  2. Scientists have found that if males do not do it they run a higher risk of prostate cancer.

    Doing it can be 'bad' if someone is obsessed with it and don't know the difference between fantasy and reality.

    I will do it to stop being preoccupied and get it out of my system.

    I think one-nights stands are immoral because it is only masturbation and the people are not differentiating fantasy from reality.

  3. I am very much in favor of masturbation.....

  4. its normal. no, you won't go to h**l.

  5. No. It's being human.

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