
Do you consider picking someone else's nose in public offensive?

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I know that different cultures have different practices. What people find offensive may be different from culture to culture. Personally, I think picking someone else's nose is a sign of repect and I do it as much as my busy schedule will allow. What are your thoughts?




  1. Nope. But its a bit dirty, lol.

  2. Only if it is done with less than a 10 foot pole. =)

  3. You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose. But you shouldn't pick your friends nose.

  4. that it is disugsting. how is that a sign of respect?

  5. Your friends must have some really big noses if it takes two people to pick em :)

  6. it's not offensive p***e (sp?), but... very disgusting. hope that person doesn't have a cold/virus. that wouldn't be prudent- i would wash your hands after engaging in such *activities* if i were you... people are nasty to be honest, and then touching your person after touching someone else's *mucous membrane* is just abhorent & vile :/

  7. No as long as you share your slimey green prizes with the host. Do you like them with salt or just naturalle

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