
Do you consider "different" colors ugly?

by Guest21560  |  earlier

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Like purple, green, pink, blue, etc.? People who don't mind (and even like) these colors for hair, do you think people who hate it do so because they're just too tame or boring?




  1. I like those colors, but one of my friends said that she hates it because it's "unnatural"

    I think it's the person's choice, and you can judge someone by their hair !


  2. I like those colors....i want to dye my hair black or dark brown with highlights of those colors XD that would surely draw attention...and mkae me really know for my randomness... i dunno why some poeple hate it.. gotta ask one who does

  3. one of my friends have differ colors in her hair & i like it alot. so i dont think it looks bad.

  4. no, it's just not for everyone. we are free to express ourselves however we like, and if you like those colors for your hair, then good for you.  but i wouldn't do a rainbow thing or anything, because you want to be able to express yourself and also be viewed as a healthy mentally functioning individual. also make sure that you get it done by a pro and get a real cute hair cute and style to go with it, to complete your look and make it polished, not a sloppy statement.

  5. I think the people that absolutely hate it feel this way because they think why would you dye all of your hair a color that is so unnatural. Most people like to dye their hair a natural color that is possible to be born with. But there's no reason to judge someone who wants to be adventurous it's their head after all.

  6. Not ugly, but I wouldn't want my hair clashing with my clothes. I don't not like them because I'm boring. I also consider myself very fortunate to have my natural hair color because I really like it. (Its a darkish blonde.) For someone else who wants to be different for they're hair go ahead. If you think its pretty amd carry yourself that way others will like it too.

  7. Personally on a guy it just doesnt look right.

    I mean highlights of a shade lighter than his hair is cute!

    Or lowlights of a darker shade of his hair is hot!

    But different colors on a guy is just terrible.



  8. i think theyre alright sometimes.

    but it looks like you're just begging for attention most of the time.

  9. I don't think they are ugly, I have put random colors like that in my hair before, its something fun and different. Not everyone likes it and that is fine, but they shouldn't judge a person just because of their hair color. Besides they are just jealous that they can't pull of crazy colors. :)

  10. i think if u dye ur hair that color u are brave and very outgoing. i personally think it would look awesome.

  11. my guess is that they only hate it, because it's not something they do, and if it's not something they would do then it's 'horrible, bad, stupid,ugly' etc.

  12. No... U-G-L-Y sry i dont mean to be mean but...

  13. No I like wearing colors that other people dont wear.


  14. Only if they're not your real hair, like the extensions or clips ins or whatever.  But, otherwise I think it looks pretty.  I don't know why people don't like it, but whatever floats their boat.

  15. depends on what color your hair is.... and i really think it would be cool to have purple and pink and blue but not green  

  16. I don't consider them ugly unless the job was done bad and the hair is faded and dull. But if you get the color really strong and vibrant it can look really amazing. And if people don't like it, it's just not their taste, but that shouldn't matter. It's your opinion that counts

  17. i think some people dislike it because the colorus are just too wild and just don't go well togeher.

  18. I like it! But for me, I just dye the underneath of my hair different colors rather than the whole head.  

  19. I don't think it's ugly, I've just never seen anyone with the bright colored hair that looks good with it.  I see lots of it (my daughter attends an arts high school and there are lots of students making those choices as well as piercings and tattoos and wild clothing) and I think it's fine, as others have said, it's the hair-owners choice...I just don't think these people really care about looking their best.  I think most of them want to make some kind of statement...which is a topic for another question.

    One thing they should ask themselves is how they want to be viewed by others and whether or not they want to be taken's difficult for most 'regular' folk to take those people seriously.

  20. It's SO annoying. It looks immature and unnatural.

  21. yes so boring. u gotta stand out some how rite?

  22. i personnally like ppl with hair those colours, i think it shows ppl that they are confident and arent afraid to be different...

    but really everyone has their own opinion

    it doesnt mean that they are boring

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