
Do you consider the Government to be out of touch?

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Have they any idea what's going on in the Uk or are they removed from reality with their big fat wages and expenses. The latest they offer now are 'parenting courses' and 'taking criminals to view victims'. Why not imprison the criminals? Take them out of the society to which they obvioulsy do not want to belong. Some of these feral people would crow about the injuries they inflict not feel empathy or sorrow. Is it now time for a change to a strong Government with firm strong ideals that would be backed by the majority of decent people, or do we keep putting up with weak, pinko, liberal appease the chavs attitude from the present Governmanet? What do you think?




  1. If you think Great Britain's government is bad right now, here's a reality check.

    Just across the channel from you there's a country named Belgium. In June 2007 the people of Belgium had to vote for a new government (mandatory, every adult has to vote, except those who've lost the right by being in prison or such). It took half a year for this new government to form after the election, which basically means we had a new government by New Year 2008. Now, barely half a year later, our prime minister has gone to the king offering the resignation of his government. Which means that, if a solution isn't found in the next few weeks, chances are we'll have a new election this coming autumn - MANDATORY. Choosing not to go and vote is not an option.

    People here are struggling to put food on the table and to pay the rent/mortgage, but instead of working at improving regular people's income or lowering necessary costs (fixed maximum food prices would help!), they get paid ten times as much as the average person and waste their time in office arguing.

    How's that for a stupid government? Be glad you actually HAVE a government in the first place who's trying (albeit not in the way you wish for).

  2. First off all government officials are only interested in what benefits them. Thats the first priority. Then they TRY to do something that benefits their voters, but if they have enough dough they'll rig the election anyway. So its pretty much what benefits them above you.  Second, the best solution for prisons in this country is caning. Like in Southeastern Asia. After being caned once it breaks the skin. An usual punishment is six to eight lashes with a cane. After nine you need serious medical treatment. If you send someone, say..who gets convicted of murder in for 40 wacks...10 a month every other month while being detained, then released after the four months, the odds of them ever committing that crime again are pretty slim.  Stuffing them in a bunk with a TV and 3 meals a day, and yard time doesn't really do much but make them slightly lonely and more psychotic. If you beat the p**s out of them, it sends a message.  The government isn't going to help anyone or fix anything, so get that out of your head right away. Unless you can find a way that your ideas will benefit them emensely, then your going to have to wait.

  3. The problem is that they were all born with silver spoons in their mouths and know nothing about real life. But if you got rid of the current government who would you elect in their place? As far as I'm concerned none of them meet the criterea needed to sort this country out which is why I havn't voted for many years - I havn't come across anyone I believe in or trust. Why the h**l doesn't someone show some guts and start giving murderers life (meaning life) sentences and 10 years if caught in possession of a weapon? Zero tolerence is the only way to go!

  4. Get Labour out is what i say,

    They are so out of touch with the real world. Tony Blair started bringing this country down and Now Gordon Brown is going to finish the job.

    It's about time they started giving out the proper sentances for the crimes these thugs commit. What good has giving them a ASBO done..................... None what so ever because they thinks its cool to have one,

    If they go out stabbing / shooting other people and kill them then lock them up for a good 20years. they know what they are doing is wrong. What good is giving them a couple of years in a youth detention centre.......... None, make them realise they will lose a major part of their life behind bars for their crimes. After all they have wiped someones life out so its only right they should pay the price.

    And the latest idea of kicking the Thugs & their familys out of their council homes is just one big fcuking joke............. Are all thugs from council homes....... NO  they are not so what happens when the thug live's with mummy & daddy in their own house ............ Nothing because they cant evict them can they. And to say all thugs come from council homes is the biggest joke i have heard this year,

    I have 4 kids and 3 of them being boys and i worry about what their future will hold for them especially when they reach the teenage years, I teach my kids Respect, And right from wrong. and they are punished if they do wrong, I may be hard on my children but at the end of the day they know they are loved and i am doing what i do for them,  So can Mr Brown please tell me what else i should be doing to ensure my kids dont become one of these Thugs.

    i tell you what he should be doing "how about getting a group of these kids from the street and asking them what they would like in their community to help stop them hanging around the streets all hours of the night,"

    Where i live there is not even a youth club for kids to go to in the evening,

    What is wrong with putting money into this or for the teenagers (coz youth clubs would be uncool) opening up a cafe where their is a juke box, snooker table etc where they can meet their friends and have a coke & something to eat. I think they would be surprised how many young kids would like somewhere like this to go. and it would also give some parents peace of mind knowing where their kids are. As we all know parents can NOT watch them 24/7.

    And before anyone says some teenagers  would not use it, That may be the case but i bet at least 90% of the teenagers would. And if you can get at least 90% of the kids off the street that would be a start to trying to make our streets a little bit safer for Us and these innocent kids being harmed or killed.

  5. That's a resounding yes to that one

  6. Yeah they are seriously out of touch.

    The people who are carrying knives, many of them know people who have been killed because of gang/knife crime. Yet their mate dying just makes them want to carry knives more to protect themselves. If their friends dying doesn't make them put down the knives, then meeting the family of some random dead person really isn't going to make a difference.

    Parenting classes will not work, after all, it's the kids carrying the knives, not the parents.

    What also makes me laugh is that they say how broken families and broken society lead to more crime, but then they today say that they will put kids into care if their parents can't stop them carrying weapons - sorry, but isn't that just going to break up more families, causing more crime??

    They need to get out of their high-paid, two home owning world, and live in the real world for a bit. Then perhaps they would come up with decent solutions for the problems we have, instead of sitting in their seperate world trying to think of solutions....

  7. Yes!I agree with the questioner!The 'rot' set in with Gordon Brown who thought he was beyond criticism and reproach and  most of his Party fell silently behind!Frightened of saying anything and 'rocking the boat'!I said most of his party!However;There were a minority of MPs who could see where this political cretin would lead them to!10-15years in opposition!Right now they are bereft of any sensible policies!They are like a ship foundering on the high seas!With the political rats just about to jump overboard and desert!

    It is time for honourable Labour politicians like Frank Field and Jim O'Donnell to tell Gordon Brown!Enough is Enough!

  8. Well you can say the same about the thatcher years in power we were 10 years behind europe

  9. Every government loses touch from the moment it is elected and gets worse when it is re-elected. This mob have been in power for 13 long incompetent years. They will get in touch for a few weeks before an election and things will return to the usual stupidity.

    If their is a change in power there will again be a slow descent into incompetence and stupidity the speed of which will depend upon the opposition. This government have been lucky (or unlucky) in having a huge majority and there fore a fairly ineffective opposition.

    The last thing the Tories want now is an election because they will collect the flack for everything that has gone before and are hoping that two years down the line things will have bottomed out so that they can have the benefits of rebuilding the economy.Cynical but there we are

  10. Has it ever been 'in touch'?

  11. I agree that the government in the UK is a farse at the moment. The country is in economic collapse. Everything is so expensive and set to go more so, even though wages will remain the same.

    However, i would be careful what you wish for. The stronger the government, the less civil liberties for the normal people.

    Are you willing to give up a little liberty for some security? You getting nothing and deserve neither.

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