
Do you consider the Police "Hero's"

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Recently our town held a parade, the usual locals had a float, several youth sporting leauges, several churches had displays etc...and one float with several police * fire personal came by with a banner they made & it said "Your Everyday Hero's". It was kinda weird because that was the only float that no one clapped.

I'm you consider them hero's?




  1. They can/could be, but generally aren't.  Of the ones I've met, about half are decent folk that want to make a positive difference, but wouldn't go to the extreme lengths required to become a hero.  They like the attention the uniform brings them.

    The other half are just a step away from being criminals themselves (some probably are).  They have the bully mentality, get off on the power trip, and use the uniform to get women.

    Doesn't help that police are most often seen hidding behind bushes with radar guns.

  2. When they do their job correctly, yes.

  3. Yes, they are heroes.

    A hero is a person who will go against his own nature for the sake of another person.

    A cop will go into a situation that he knows may get him killed.

  4. I think that any honest cop is a hero, although there are many of them that take their power to far. When they do their job, they are heroes. When they feel they just need to assert themselves as the big power, I hate them.

    Shooting a cop is just like shooting anyone else, they are just in uniform.  

  5. I believe that yes, some cops are "heroes", as in they will lay down their lives for others... but, I'm just going to quote Jefferson (and V for Vendetta) here, "People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people"

    And, in some instances, police can get out of hand.  When I see a police officer standing around, it does scare me a bit.  Not because I've done anything wrong, just because I know what police are capable of.  Also, it is wrong to define those who do not support their governments or police as unpatriotic.  Sometimes, the real patriot is  a person who sees when the government and police get out of hand.

  6. I called the police on some thugs who threatened to blow up my house. Should I have called someone else? The cops rounded up the thugs and, years later, my house is still standing. I could have been a hero myself. I was outnumbered and outgunned and maybe I could have downed a few of them before losing the battle. Maybe I could have killed or wounded them all. Would you do that, or submit to them? One kid in the neighborhood took matters into his own hands by shooting an assailant who beat the c**p out of him and told him he couldn't be in a certain public place anymore. That kid was convicted and sentenced to 20 YEARS IN PRISON.

    My town is full of violence and lots of people are tired of it. It continues because people can't or won't take effective action. There are not enough police to take care of it all, and cops  can't be everywhere. The root of our violence is in epidemic social problems anyway. Much of the USA is like this. Better heroes would be loving and effective PARENTS who raise their kids to not be troublemakers.  

  7. i do not consider them heroes, there are some that do heroic things, and some that do far less admirable actions, i consider them public servants. i do think though that they consider themselves heroes.

  8. ABSOLUTELY.  My husband was a police officer for 9 years.  He is now FBI.  He put his life on the line everyday for random people for a measly paycheck.  So, yes, they are heroes.  And those that didn't clap should be ashamed.  What would you do if you house caught on fire or your mom was raped and you needed someone there pronto??  How can someone say that these people are not heroes???  Oh, yeah, probably because you have all had tickets in the past for speeding, which, by the way is breaking the law, and you're still mad about it.  Hmmmmm.  

  9. YES, and fireman, as well.  

  10. How do you define hero? If it means placing yourself in harms way for the good of others, then I would certainly say they are hero's. That's why it hurts so much when a good cop goes bad. Ever thought what your city and mine would be like without the police? Just watch a disaster happen (Katrina,etc) and see how people behave. Its disgusting how many think everything is up for grabs if no one is watching. So yes, policeman and fire fighters are our everyday hero.

  11. of course.  who do you consider the hero's in this situation.  Is the hero the successful man running out of the world trade center or is the hero the one running in.

  12. HELLL NOOO!!

  13. No, a hero saves peoples lives, not investigates the causes of their murder. A hero makes you feel good when you see tham, not cringe we you see one of them on the side of the road with a radar gun preying on your wallet. A hero does their job without looking for payment, over half the cops in the US would quit if you told them that they were losing their over inflated salaries. And heroes dont think they are above the law, like most cops this day and age do. If your looking at heroes, look at the military, they really risk their lives day in and day out for our countries safety and well being. They do as they are told, and they dont get to go home after their shift and be with their families. Cops are in no way hero's, they are city and state cash cows.  

  14. NO go to and then you can decide for yourself.

  15. They are in a position to be a hero they would like to consider themselves hero's.But sadly they ether don't usually take the opportunity or their lies get in the way of them actually being a hero.

  16. Nope.

  17. Depends on the person.

    Considering their is a chance they will get shot every time they pull someone over.  They are at least brave and herioc.  I have always thought a hero was defined by an extrodinary action that went above and beyond.  They diserve respect and a round of applause.

  18. no they are just as bad as a criminal lurking in the shadows trying to catch u off gaurd and intimidate u i hate them and have no respect

  19. Heroes? Not by default, I think it's something they should all be striving to achieve. In the words of Nietzsche "Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster".

    Firemen are real heroes.

  20. By definition, yes. That doesn't mean many fail at their job and abuse their power. I will say it takes a lot of guts to be a  fire fighter and I do think they are heroes. Cops too can be heroes. They are jobs that provide a vast amount of opportunity to be heroic - whether or not people take that opportunity is a personal choice.

  21. some are acyually heroes! some are crooked. but you should respect hem equally because their life is on the line for us at all times they are patrolling regardless of THEIR honesty because "some" people assume that all police are dishonest and want to demolish all that cross their path!

    live an honest life, you'll have no probs!!

    good luck to all.

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