
Do you consider the Troll patrol as a "paranormal" phenomena?

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I come from the Religion and Spirituality section

Need to know how far the word has spread of the Troll patrol ?




  1. I belong to a great paranormal group and none of us or any other paranormal groups in 2 states the I have connections with and we all think this is just some kind of a joke to see if anyone would even say yes to this question.  They need a jesters section on YA Answers.

  2. Troll patrol?  Never heard of it.  It sounds like a Saturday morning show for children.

  3. never heard of it

  4. Whoever they are.If they haven't yet,they will now.

  5. I'm not even sure what it is, but whatever it is, it isn't paranormal. I'm not fond of the rhyming scheme either. Both words have a "trōl" sound, only differing by a "puh" prefix. It's too redundant to make a good rhyme.

  6. I think trolls would normally fit under myth, but at the extreme case, under cryptozoology, which for some reason seems to end up in Paranormal, which is for some reason in Science and Math. But for some reason, most people request an unscientific answer to thier question.......

    Yahoo! is paranormal if you ask me.

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