
Do you consider this to be torture

by  |  earlier

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  1. No. Doesn't seem to involve any pain, just discomfort. They are for "violent Iraqi prisoners". Don't want to be in a box? Calm down and stop being violent.

  2. No, it is called isolation.  

  3. nope, i can think of much much worse that would be considered torture.  people need to stop looking so deep into things, put yourself in a soldiers boots and then ask yourself these questions

  4. No, I don't consider those isolation boxes "torture".  Yes, they're uncomfortable as h**l.  That's why they work.  The sooner a detainee gets tired of being placed in that box, the sooner he'll start to cooperate so he doesn't have to get back in the box.  In any case, Islamic extremists, or anyone else for that matter, lose their "human rights" the instant they violate someone else's.  Living in a world where you have free will does not mean you get to do the first stupid thing that pops up in your mind, regardless of your religious, social, or political beliefs &/or circumstances.

    One of the prime directives when it comes to placing someone in any type of detention is to strip them of any power they have - or think they have - to control their situation.  If you leave them the slightest vestige of power or control they will use it against you at some point.

    Besides, those big, tough Islamic extremists; you know, the ones who kill perfect strangers, children, whoever ...with homocide bombs & IEDs, why, they ought to be able to handle a little discomfort, right?

    To paraphrase an old adage from the Vietnam era, "Kill 'em all...and let Allah sort 'em out".

  5. Absolutely not.  They said they are for violent prisoners and are only in them for 12 hours.  Not exactly torture in my opinion.  

  6. Nope; as the article indicates 'segregation boxes' are used to segregate violent prisoners from the general prisoner population and their captors.  Violent prisoners pose a very real threat to the safety of their fellow prisoners and the guards.

    It would only be considered torture if such confinement was being conducted for no reason at all.  I'm quite sure that this practice is being well monitored by military authorities and that when the prisoners start conforming to acceptable rules of behavior they are returned to the general population.

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