
Do you consider this type of love to be weird?

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I just found out that almost 30 years ago by mother got pregnant by another man, and had an abortion. She was 1 month pregnant when she had the abortion.

Do you think it's weird that even though I never knew him/her and that he/she was never born, that I love him/her?

Also is it weird that even though he/she wasn't born, that I still consider him/her to be my half-brother/half-sister?

btw no comments please about anything else, i dont hold it against her




  1. Doesn't sound weird at all. It's a sibling whom maybe didn't get to stay in this world but just the same it would have been your sibling.

  2. Not at all. My mother was pregnent before i was born , and he died just under an hour after he was born. His room was supposed to be decorated with guitars , and so i carry around a guitar pick with me whenever i go anywhere.

  3. No I dont think its wierd at all, its just that you have love for someone that was once a part of your mother. and its great that you dont hold it against her because I am sure she had her reasons.

  4. I just think you are dwelling on the fact of "what if". It wasn't and you need to move on.

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