
Do you consider weed a drug?

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My girlfriend says i cant do drugs but i could do anything else...honestly i dont consider weed a drug i consider other stuff that i dont like in coke or anythin else like that.




  1. weed is a drug that can legally be used in some states to treat some health conditions and support other treatments.  it is illegal to use it recreationally, although many people consider it a drug much less potentially destructive and addictive than cocaine, alcohol, or even coffee.  instead of breaking the law, you should try to change it!

  2. well .. considering even mint is listed as a drug, weed is defenitly a drug, believe it or not many stuff we daily take are considered as a drug, coffee, tea, energy drinks and so on, but the the factor that makes them illegal-not drug-but illigal is their dosage, well what I have for you my friend,from a weed and hashish user (myself) , is that you and only you know how to operate with your body, smoking weed should not become a daily habbip cuz it occupies your time which can be used in other fields of life, although i know some people who smoke weed and stick to their work for several hours without getting tires, anyhow, I believe no one should ever decide for others

  3. Well. Technically (Dont know if i spelled that right) Weed isnt a drug , but the THC (Tetrahydrocanibinol) is a drug. But seriously it shouldnt be considered a drug or cigarettes should be considered drugs.

  4. Yes I consider it a drug just like I consider caffeine and alcohol a drug.

    That said, I don't consider it a particularly bad or dangerous drug

  5. weed is not a drug . It is labled a drug by the government to keep it illegal.Weed is not addictive the first poster is stupid.

    A drug can be derived from a plant goes through chemical processing and alters the properties of the plant. A plant is not a drug. We can buy "valerian root" at any store and make tea. It isnt labled a drug. Once it is Altered by a chemist it becomes "valium" A poppy is not a drug its a flower. but again a chemist can make opium and heroine with it.. Foxglove grows all over it isnt illegal but is used to make "digitalis"

  6. its a drug, it just not a hard drug.

  7. I would not consider weed as a drug

  8. Weed is a drug. Aspirin is a drug. Kava Kava is a drug.

    All of these substances are chemicals that are bioactive. They produce a physiological reaction in the human body and that makes all of them drugs.

    Weed can be addictive like anything and has harmful side effects (especially from smoking it, which is pretty obvious since inhaling burning vegetation is going to cause lung irritation and possibly things like lu ng cancer). The harmful side effects are fairly benign, but short term memory loss and idiotic behavior aren't too bad. I would avoid using it more than once or twice a week. Make it a weekender kind of drug.

    Did I mention that alcohol is a drug? It's also very addictive, and dangerous.

    I think what your GF is worried about is the fact that weed is illegal. Possession of it can lead to jail terms depending on how much you have on you. If you have a small amount and happen to be carrying a gun then you're looking at 20 years in prison. Having weed in the house with your own child can lead to that child being taken from  you by DHS.

    So it is a drug. It is illegal. Your GF has legitimate concerns.

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