
Do you consider your online buddies to be stupid?

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You know, I had some online friends who is being such an *** everytime I showed them my pic. We usually having fun chatting and reply, and I was like the only person they chat with. Until.....I showed them my 360 profile.

Suddenly, after that, they just say that they are going somewhere and went offline. A few days later, in the middle of my online hours, I receive a notice that my friend invitation has just been accepted by that guy who suddenly leaves and never heard again. And then I saw him posting questions here in Yahoo Answers. Obviously I know that he went invisible in messenger that time, and he has been online all along. They obiously think that I'm retarded enough to not notice. Then, I message him in IM, and no reply...all the time.

I was just wondering, is this some sort of something that happens a lot in the online world, or am I just too ugly to even become friends with?




  1. Do you really wanna be friends with people who judge you based on how you look?

    Besides I think you should not get so emotionally attached to some one online.  

  2. No, this actually happens in life. There are people who judge you totally on the way you "look" and this happens in the GLBT and straight communities. If someone rejects you because of your looks you are loads better off without them. Trust me on this. These are the people who go for the "hotties" and then wonder why their "hottie" has cheated on them, then dumped them. They never learn from this, they simply go on the search for another "hottie." They even cheat on their "hottie" for another "hottie". It's a vicious cycle like incest. It's actually amusing to watch (poetic justice) but again also pathetic and sad.

    If you are walking down the sidewalk and see a pile of dog c**p do you step in it or walk around it? I walk around it. Treat these people the same way. They will bring nothing into your life but a lot of pain.

    Remember, one day they will grow old and lonely because they will no longer be a "hottie" themselves. Trust me on this. I made the mistake of dating one and it ended very sadly. I'm rich, he's not and when he left there was no parting gift or golden parachute, simply the door and the curb.

    I'm happy and he's not. He is now "stuck" with someone who is not a "hottie" and he's no longer a "hottie", drugs and partying do that. No he has no prospect, no hope and no where to go. He did it to himself by being so vain and hedonistic. I'm still happy and I have people in my life who actually love me for me and that's priceless.

    Hope this has helped and I care about what is inside you, not the outside. We will all grow old and gravity will kick vanities *** every time.

    All my answers are fat free, cholesterol free, sugar free and have no calories. Now caffeine free. ©2008 Paranormal Hamburger (Humor) All Rights Reserved. My answers are made from 100% recycled materials. Think Green, Answer Green.

  3. EEEEEEEEEEEEXACTLY dude! I had the same ********* situation. What is wrong with these people, they chat with you like all the time and then they even flirt with you but when you exchange pictures they don't even give it to you staight, they just disappear forever and stay online every single day but invisible to you, seriously they think we can't notice that. Dude, don't give a baker's fuc'k about those schmucks, just let it go, there's always more fish in the sea, i answered your other question and this one to let you know that you deserve way way way better than those arrogant bast'ards. Good luck, however it works out i want u to know that you deserve somebody great. Feel free to e-mail me if u want, can be great friends. LOL! Have a great wonderful day buddy

  4. My dear Uki...this isn't the first time you've posted this sort of question.

    It seems like you always get the stupid and judgmental friends...and it is not your fault, because we don't know whom we are chatting with.

    Think this way, these people left you...not that you have left them.

    It shows that those people are naive...very naive, and they judge people by their looks.

    So, you should think that it was good for you that they showed their true colors's even worse when you meet someone online, become good friends and then after a long term friendship, you show them your picture, and then they just flee!

    Since this may not be your case, consider yourself as lucky.

    I can say that not all online people are so stupid, because all the online friends of mine are very kind, friendly and sweet.

    They respect me for who I am...not because how I look.

    I talk with this girl in Netherlands...we use webcams, but still we are good friends....she's not judgmental.

    There are other friends and good advisers too.

    Ric, nysenutz and Michael E are such people, who are very kind and always sweet...and you'll be flattered to know that, Tara J herself is a sweet homophobic person.

    She always sends sweet and funny emails to me.

    So you see, not all online people are that way...of course there are other rascals I know who stalk me online...but I just block them.

    So, my advice to you, block people who base their judgment on looks and hide from you, and look for other people who are amazingly nice and friendly.

    If you want to chat, just send me an email.

    Otherwise, don't'll find a lot of sweet people.

    To prevent this happening over and over again, the first thing you should do is show your new buddy your picture.

    Don't worry...this is just not happening happens in the real world too (obviously the internet is also a part of real life).

    Never think that you are ugly...from all your posts, I can say that you are a very sweet and funny person...not to mention, how creative!

    I still laugh at your Potata's Pragnanet answer!

    By the way, check this out:

    You've got a lot of thumbs up!

    Well, your ex account!


    *Best Wishes*

    ♪♣ Đǐvǐήέ Яάў ♣♪

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  5. lol well online relationships suck....and sum ppl dont photgraph well....i had a bf who was really hot...but d**n he looked really weird in pics...and i knew this girl who was super hot....but sumhow 0_o it did not tranlate well into pics.

    u'll find sumone dont wry. i dont even put my real pic up cuz ppl online are much harsher and way too judgemental.

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