
Do you consider your spouse your BEST friend? What makes people consider their spouses a best friend?

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I know lots of people who consider their spouse as a best friend, but others don't.




  1. My husband is my best friend. i tell him everything and cry on his shoulder and confide in him. We have fun together and enjoy each others company.

  2. Like someone else said, he knows me better than anyone - but some deep dark secrets I would never reveal to him b/c only my best friend knows those things about me and frankly, they would not affect my relationship with my husband, its just stuff he wouldn't "get" b/c we come from different backgrounds.  I love him, but a best friend has the same interests IMO and we just don't (sports etc), but we DO respect each others interests.  We are just cut from a different cloth.

    I wonder the same thing sometimes.  When I see commercials for like and such, I guess some couples are just different than others.  I suppose it would have a lot to do with backgrounds.

  3. Who better to marry than your bff.

  4. Yes, he's my best friend. I don't know what makes people think of their spouse as their best friend - for me, it was just a natural turn of events; I wouldn't have married a person if I didn't consider them my best friend.

  5. What is a best friend really?  It is someone you go to with everything, whether it be happy, sad, mad, stressful, etc.  It is someone you can talk about anything without fear of them judging you or laughing at you.  It is someone you rely on to be there, to tell your secrets to and know theirs.  It is someone that knows your fears and your dreams.  Someone who, no matter what, will always help you back up after you fall, even if they told you beforehand it was a mistake. They never say "i told you so" or talk behind your back.

    So yes, my spouse is my best friend in that case.  He is all of those things and more.  To me-The definition of "spouse" includes the definition of "best friend", "lover", "confidante", "partner" and much more.  I guess you could say he is the "ultimate best friend".  

  6. I do.  I think it comes to this...  If you were to go out and do something, wahtever it is you think is fun, who would you most like to do it with you?  If the answer to that is your spouse on most situations... then they are your best friend as well.  Some people prefer to hang out with their buds in order to avoid their spouses.

  7. I do!  My husband is the one person in the world that I can share anything and everything with.  We have complete trust in one another!  I think that is part of the reason our marriage works as well as it does!

  8. My husband is my best friend. It has nothing to do with me being married to him. Even before we got married or started dating, we were just mad cool like that. The emotional attachment came later. When I want to hang out somewhere and/or go do something, I'd prefer to be in his company. I have the most fun with him. He makes me laugh. He makes me think. He's the only one who can make me shut up in mid-sentence. We have a great time together. There's no one else in the world I'd rather spend all of my free time with, except my children.

    So, all of that tells me that my husband is my best friend.  

  9. No he is not my bestfriend.  But i do love him.

  10. absolutely, i feel that i can talk to him about anything. he listens and does not judge me. im anxious at the end of the day to see him and ask how his day went. :)

  11. He is my best friend.  We share everything....good times and bad.  

  12. My wife is definately my best friend.  I go to her first for encouragement, hope, support, love, beer, food, s*x, activities, football, and every thing else.

    She is more involved in my life then anyone and she is the one person who most wants to see me succeed and do well.  Of course she's my best friend.

  13. Yes i do but she is not my best lover friend she doesn't want s*x anymore so i got a Mistress and she is my best lover friend it's really working out great  

  14. Frankly, no. I think it's all semantics. If someone asked me, "Who is your best friend?" I'd probably instinctively reply, "Jack, Mike, and Ellie." (my 3 dearest friends in the world). And, if I was asked, "Who is the love of your life? Who do you want to see every single day?" I'd say, "My husband." My husband is of course as close as any friend I have, but by sheer virtue of my love for him, he got a more special title: HUSBAND.

    In my vocabulary, husband and friend are different words.

  15. My wife is my best friend, because she knows me best. My flaws, strengths, and weakness. She is the one I crave to be around, when we are separated for long periods of time.

  16. Well I consider my wife my best friend.  She is the person I love cherish and honor, my lover and my confidant and whom I go out on the town with and spend a lot of free time with.  So if she is not my best friend I do not know what I would call her other then that.  You should consider the person you marry your best friend really if more people did this the divorce rate would probably go down.

    Really a best friend is someone you enjoy spending time with, doing things together, and tell each other your goals and dreams and of course your secrets.  Since you do these things with your spouse or are suppose to anyways is it not relevant they be your best friend.    

  17. Well we arent quite married yet but we plan on it and we have a son together and yes I consider him my best freind. I guess its because I know I can be myself around him, talk to him about anything without being afraid of how he will react and we always have together! Doing things with him is always awesome. Were that couple in the resturant everyone is looking at because we are laughing to hard and having such a good time even tho we havent had a single drink. Theres more to our relationship than s*x. When s*x is all you really have in common it just doesnt work. s*x is more like a bonus. The really awesome part of our relationship is the firendship we have, we can cry on eachothers shoulders (even though the only time he got close to crying was when our son was born) and we can laugh together like idiots about stuff that is only really important to us, and we can work together toward common goals in our lives and relationship and be supportive. So much goes into a relationship, but being friends is the best way to start.

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