
Do you consider yourself a "typical" American? What makes you that way?

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Do you consider yourself a "typical" American? What makes you that way?




  1. The quality that is most strong and perhaps uniquely American is our sense of the individual and personal freedom.  No other culture in the world feels this as strongly as Americans do.  We believe in the power of the individual and we are less interested in the support of the community.  Asian countries like Japan and most Asian nations put more emphasis on the community.  Even in Europe the focus on the individual is not as strong as it is here.  This leads to our need for privacy and consumerism.  Our laws reflect this and our politics also.  In another area we are a big nation that doesn't feel the need to worry about the history or language of other nations.  We care about those things only in proportion to how it impacts on our economy or national security.  We tend to be more religious than other highly industrialized nations but we value our individual freedoms.

  2. No I don't.  I'm more involved in Politics than most.


    I love my country and I pay taxes.

    I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. That to me is a typical American.

  4. No I dont, becuase I'm not even half american lol

  5. Don't think so.

    Just living human kind like you and me.

    Living in misery at loss and stranded out there.

    With lost sense of direction and purpose of life.

    Without being aware of the blunders and slip-ups with human errors created in own backyards.

    While taking for granted as human intelligent.

    Living in misery while still primitive in the 21st century.

    Luke 9.55-56

    Getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in not worshiping God while climbing up the coconut trees and still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life without being aware of the mess out there.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

  6. Yes I consider myself typical.  I'm conservative, college educated, work for a living, own a house, pay taxes etc.... My wife is also college educated, works hard etc.. etc....

  7. I do not know what a typical American is.

  8. not sure what typical means

    but make a modest living

    okay house

    bratty kids

    decent spouse

    guess that is fairly typical

  9. An american is much more than greed  imperialism or OIL

    it is a special person, a new person, a better person,

    we must shine as examples to the rest of the world.

  10. I do not think there is anything typical about me!!!!

  11. i loooove oil

  12. yes...i work everyday and pay more taxes than the president i'm sure.

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