
Do you consider yourself a thatcherite?

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...and if so, are you taking medication for it??




  1. My God no!!!!

    Just come to the South Wales Valleys and check out the decimated communities and poverty she left behind her when she destroyed our industries (and many peoples' livelihoods).

    Thatcher just taught people to be greedy, selfish and materialistic.

    Hence so much of the crime we have today (kids knifing each other to steal trainers and mobile phones?!?), the congested roads (everyone having to have a car) the homelessness and housing problems for young families (selling off all the council housing), the lack of training opportunities and apprenticeships for young people (all industry gone down the toilet so whats the point in training young people?) the massive amounts of debt everyone has round their necks (because we've been conditioned to beleive we just HAVE to have a yearly foreign holiday, a new car and load of S****y designer furniture and techno-gadgets) and the resultant bankruptcies and CCJs people are undergoing.

    Noone gives a sh*t about each other today, all they care about is how much money they can make and how much pointless consumer shite they can spend it on.  And thats the legacy of that evil b*tch Thatcher.

  2. no. do you? and are you taking medication for it?

  3. She said that anyone who was still was using public transport by the age of 30 had something wrong with them.

    I use public transport, Maggie, because I don't want this planet to blow up, you selfish money grabbing sad excuse of womankind.  Why didn't you just stay in the lab and invent a few more ice cream flavours?

  4. Its history repeating.

    Old tax and spend labour are costing us more in living costs and taking more tax.

    They award themselves 26% pay rises 2yrs running and public servants will get around 2% in coming yrs.

    As time goes on, people will strike at the 'one rule for ministers,one rule for workers policy.  Just like in the late 70's.

    Voters will turn against them just like they did then.

    Labour ministers will be voted out and a 'Thatcher' type figure will come in and re-align the economy.

    Labour ministers will retire rich with cast iron pensions and work for private companies earning fortunes whilst feathering thier own nests.

    They will make thier fortunes claiming to be ordinary socialist people, just like Niel Pillock did.

    and working class fools will have helped them get there by being daft enough to think that they were doing it all for them.  whilst remaining p**s poor themselves.

  5. Depends? are you a crazed Leftie Blairite or Brownite? medication isn't the cure for you, however suicide is.

  6. Of course, and so is virtually everyone else.

    She changed the political climate in this country so thoroughly that New Labour, Lib Dems and Conservatives have adopted her basic stance.

    There are still some backwoodsmen of the left who are unconverted but they are completely irrelevant today.

    And some people who don't really understand the fundamental changes she bought about, still have a knee jerk reaction to her name while unknowingly supporting policies she initiated.

  7. A what? i don't understand you.

  8. No, I hated thatchers policies and she was a nightmare for this country.

    however i do think it's stupid and immature to accuse anyone else of mental illness because they supported her.

    It implies that you think you have all the answers for thatchers era as well as now (-- and *that* REALLY would cause me to question someone's sanity)

  9. I believe that Mrs Thatcher was the greatest PM this country ever had.

    I agreed with all her policies.

    I believe Britain was saved from disaster by her.

    Thousands of small businesses created under her tax breaks are now large businesses employing thousands.

    Her economic model has been emulated by all democracies in the world ,including New Labour.

    She handed John Major and ultimately Tony Blair the wealthiest Britain since the industrial revolution.

    The British had the chance to benefit from their hard work,enthusiasm and skills.

    Those who chose to be lazy probably didnt appreciate Mrs Thatcher very much,everyone else was a winner.

    On that reference,I am a true Thatcherite.

  10. "There is no such thing as society"

    Margaret Thatcher

    Hence Knife crime, thuggery, anti social behaviour, and the me first society. We are now reaping the seeds with the children of the Thatcher experiment and it has become clear that this person who so readily wrapped herself in the British flag was the catalyst for the destruction of Britain.

    A drug dealer is the ultimate example of a Thatcherite.

  11. i am waiting to dance on her grave.

  12. No, but I do believe she was one of the greatest Prime Ministers this country had in the 20th Century.

  13. No. Why would anyone want to be associated with that mad old witch?

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