
Do you consider yourself an American? Do you use gas in your car?

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Some people say the oil and gas we put in our vehicles does not come from middle east. But we all know that if middle east stops the flow of oil the first country going to crash would be us. Why are we making ourselves so dependent on middle east oil? How American are we or is our Harley Davidsons and Ford Trucks real american if the most important part of its function which is oil being imported from MIDDLE EAST??




  1. we use 20 millions bbs a day...its got to come from somewhere...say we stop buying from middle east.... china will buy it and we still need to get it somewhere...

  2. Get a life.  Stop whining and start doing something about things you disagree with.

    If people spend less time protesting and more time doing what they could to personally lessen their carbon footprint, the world would be a much better place.

  3. Oil is a world commodity market and the middle east is one supplier.  We could probably avoid middle east oil by outbidding others for oil from other sources.  But it's still a commodity market, and the middle east has everything to do with the price. If they squeeze supply, the people who bought middle east oil will bid up our suppliers.

    So we're hopelessly intertwined.  You can't be isolationist in this modern world.  Well, Kim Il Sung manages it, but his citizens don't do so well from what I hear.

  4. You're miss-informed.  A great deal of your oil/gas comes from Canada - specifically the province of Alberta.  I believe I'm correct in stating that the gas you burn in California - anywhere west of the mid-west states - comes from Alberta and not the middle east.  You also get a good deal of petoleum from Venezula.  Remember, Canada has an oil reserve as big as Saudi Arabia.  So, just bear in mind that most of the gas you're burning is coming from that friendly Kingdom to the North.

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