
Do you consider yourself an enviromentalist? Are you sure?

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Because if you drink bottled water you are actually harming the environment.

Plastic bottles are photodegradable and do not break down in the dirt in landfills. There are billions of plastic bottles buried around our country just waiting for our children and grandchildren to dig up in the future.

Billions of bottles end up in the ocean too. Click the link below to read about the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" out by Hawaii. That's scary!

Plastic is made from crude oil. Using plastic bottles increases our dependence of foreign oil. One half pound of carbon is released into the atmosphere for each plastic bottle manufactured.

Study after study shows that bottled water is no better than municipal water. It's actually better to reuse a plastic bottle filling it with municipal water than buying new bottles each day.

So do you still consider yourself a environmentalist?




  1. I can't stand the taste of bottled water- tastes like plastic.    At least get a soda so the flavor is covered up by caffene and cane syrup.    I use a glass bottle to drink my well water from when away from home.

  2. I am an environmentalist.  I drink bottled water and if I'm not re-using those bottles, I recycle them but I prefer to use my own filtered water in my re-usable plastic bottles that I've already paid for.

    I also use environmentally non-toxic concentrated cleaners and other day to day products that don't pollute my body, my home or our planet and yes, I know I can never be free of toxins at this point but I help to stop the contamination by doing what I do....I'm okay with that!

  3. I do consider myself an environmentalist

    NO.. I DO NOT drink bottled water.. partly for the reasons you say.. but also health reasons.. drinking bottled water WEAKENS your immunity

    plus its WAY overpriced!

  4. yes i consider myself an environment.some body might say that drinking  bottled water is harming environment,i think that is not true because i you misuse something that will be bad.

  5. Yes.  I always carry my own bottle of water filled with filtered tap water from home.

  6. Of course I still do.

    What environmentalist would drink bottled water?

  7. Of course I do.

    I do not drink bottled water, nor would I waste my money on this fad in the first place.

    If I did have to drink bottled water however, all of the empty bottles would be recycled.

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