
Do you consider yourself as being kind to the environment?

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What are you doing, e.g., recycling, using less power, carpooling, volunteering? What suggestions do you have for other people who want to help the planet?




  1. Take a tour around your house.the products you use every day are polluting the environment and your home as well.  Take, for instance, automic dishwahing detergents.  Most contain phosphates that disrupt water ecology by providing too much nutrition for algae and other plants, which quickly die.  As they decompose the plants use up oxygen needed by fish and other marine life.  Phosphates can badly damage lakes, estuaries, and slow-moving rivers.  That's just one product that's in your home.  There's lots to be said about the rest of the household products most people use.  If you want to do one thing for the environment, clean up the toxic chemicals in your home.

  2. Yes, we use less power, and recycle, grow our own veggies and don't use any chemicals inside or outside. We have a well with pure water, and wood heat.

  3. No. I am very wasteful.

  4. Yes I think I am kind to the environment but we can all do more.

    I am growing my own vegetables and fruits.

    I buy local and organic.

    I eat less meat and more grains.

    I "drive" a bike when I can't use that I use my hybrid.

    I don't use the dryer I use a drying line.

    I use candles to light my home at night.

    I make my own candles, soap, and shaving cream.

    I use a safety razor instead of plastic.

    I use non-toxic cleaning products.

    I recycle.

    I shop at thrift stores.

    I buy as much as possible from bulk bins in containers I brought from home.

    I transport produce home in organic cotton bags.

    I take short showers.

    I unplug all devices not currently in use.

    I keep the lights off and the window blinds open.

    I rarely turn the heat or AC on.

    I have reduced the amount of money I spend on random things.

    I don't send cards or use wrapping paper.

    I reuse packing materials that I get from others.

    You can check out what else I do on my blog

  5. I consider that I am kind and always working on being kinder.

    One of my greatest contributions to the environment is to not eat meat or support factory farming.  Not many people realise this but rain forests and crop lands are being replaced by land to farm animals or grow crops for animals.  The manure that is produced by animals causes significant green house gases and pollutes and has polluted many larger water ways of the world.  It takes astronomically more water to produce meat than it does vegetables.  So to buy a hamburger from McDonalds means you are consuming thousands of times more energy than it does to eat healthy and delicious meat free meals.

  6. at school u can start a recycling club recycling everything and asking your school to recycle and ask other people in your school to tell others to recycle. tell your neighbors. walk or bike to school etc..


  7. yep.

    i recycle, reduce and reuse.

    also, i've stuck with using cloth diapers instead of disposable ones. that's already a ton of garbage i (well my baby) won't be generating

    advice : do things at home. it doesn't have to be hard nor complicated. at the rate we're going, we'll wreck the environment before we find a cure for the common cold.

    and remember that helping the environment IS helping humanity. after all, what's the use for finding a cure for diseases if there's no fit world to live in?

  8. Humanity needs more help then the planet. We have more urgent problems to attend to like poverty and AIDS.

    Once we're done with the other major problems we'll worry about the minor problems like the environment which usually restores itself.

  9. My suggestions are:

    Don't believe all of the c**p you hear. Learn to understand power consumption. If you have an electric hot water heater you can save more power by spending one min. less in the shower than a whole houseful of these florescent bulbs.

    Combine your trips, walk or ride a bike. Be respectful of those on foot or biking.

    Maybe you can be in a career where you can influence energy usage. I'm sure the guy who figures out how to make micro chips run cooler will do more for the environment than you will do shutting a few lights off here and there.

  10. I wear a sweater [inside] when it is cool - instead of turning on/up the heat.

    Walk more

    I eat more cole slaw - it's filling, easy to make and it is raw.

    Spread the word


  11. I use as little power as I can and I get as much electricity as I can from carbon neutral sources like Nuclear and Wind.

  12. I recycle, I'm going to start a compost pile this spring, I don't run the water when I brush my teeth, I take short showers, I don't leave the lights on, I try to walk most places and my friend and I are going to pick up trash in the neighborhood this week! Just do what I do, RRR (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)!

  13. More than most people.   I use less than 100 cf of water a month, less than 100 kwh of electricity per month and have one small bag of trash every 3-4 weeks.    

    - More is not better.   Happiness comes not from material belongings.   Live simply so others may simply live.    Grow a little of your own food, even if its just a tomato plant in a pot.

  14. lots

    check my page .especially the blog,called ,help change.

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