
Do you consider yourself genuine?

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Do you consider yourself genuine?




  1. in some ways i do, in others i don't. you know,  personality wise, yes. but in like, i don't..... clothes or car- totally not! but personally, i don't feel that much different then everybody else, so not really...:)

  2. I am absolutely genuine. And I feel I'm a pretty good judge of when to shut up, because the truth, or my honest opinion would not be a good thing. Knowing when to say nothing is a virtue, I believe, and it's a tough booger.

  3. I wouldn't have it any other way, I express my views, hold my beliefs and admit when I'm wrong.

  4. Much of my ideas, actions or thoughts have basis on the teachings of others whether they know it or not, but the way I combine all elements to create my own behavior is genuine.

  5. no

  6. I try to be but sometimes being genuine can mean hurting people's feelings or making yourself looke foolish so sometimes I'm not.

  7. Yeh i do... i won't been mean to anyone i don't like, i'll just put up with them and i tend to express how i feel about anything. ^-^

  8. yea as in my personaliy but i dress the same and my visual identity isnt

  9. Genuine means congruent with what one is experiencing within ones MIND realm... which emotional energy is usually repressed and not known to one.

    Genuine does not mean saying whatever pops into ones brain, because very often such thoughts are more dishonest than honest, and it is wrong to project dishonest thoughts... not to mention impolite.

    Genuine mostly refers to someone being able to embrace ones fears... and thus, not project these upon others.  This requires one to have first discovered ones fears.... which are usually fully non-conscious within oneself... and thus, there are not many "Genuine" people around.


  10. Imitation and Originality ,Invention and Creation, Fancy and Imagination,Spontaneity and Inspiration?


  11. I guess. :D I like to think of myself genuine, but I do have a few cracks :D

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