
Do you consider yourself superior to other people??

by Guest58387  |  earlier

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Do you consider yourself superior to other people??




  1. Consciously no...yet sub consciously or reverting to lazy stereotypes and attitudes yes...

  2. No ... sometimes more knowledgeable than some others but certainly not superior

  3. no do you ?

  4. No, definitely not "superior"

  5. Overall no. Occasionally there's a bubble of superiority or inferiority that comes up.

  6. well yes of course its obvious

    I really am the best

    when I look round and see the others

    I am not impressed

    and have you watched .."the weakest link.".?

    its sad to see such dopes

    if I was there Id surely win

    a bunch of real .." hopes.."

    and when a conversation starts

    with someone that you meet

    I wonder can they do a job..?

    or how they cross the street..

    so as the competition

    so sadly fails the test

    no wonder I am feeling tops

    and look down on the rest..!

  7. No way!

  8. yes i confess i do sometimes as some of the people i know are a bit more ignorant than i am

    i have had so many good and bad life experiences

    some people can't cope with the truth or anything that is different and they appear to be quite small minded

    at the moment i am agonising over whether to end a friendship because of this she is so judgemental about everything and such tiny things

    ooh it gets me angry and cos i'm quite a diplomatic person by nature and i don't point out little things she thinks i'm stupid i'm sure she does

    stupid woman

  9. not in the least.....<^><...

  10. Sometimes you say to yourself "I told you so"

  11. Depends on the person. But i have to admit that i do among my friends because i'm not exactly a normal teenager. But i don't think they are idiotic either and i of course don't tell them that i think i'm superior. I think in some cases i am mentally superior than my friends, but in other ways i'm not.

  12. superior in some ways yes, but not better or worth more or more important - if that makes sense.

    I do feel that my sense of morals, proportion, equanimity, cheerfulness etc are superior to others, but that doesn't mean I'm a better, more valuable person.

  13. don't be ridiculous .of course I'm superior

  14. Superior in some ways,

    Inferior in other ways.

    There is always someone better, and always someone worse.

    But the comparison thing is a trap.

  15. no

  16. No.

  17. Yes I do. I feel superior in the sense that I'm consciously aware of myself and my potential.  I feel most people strive for mediocrity, get a middle class job and have a family, then die.   The only reason they strive for this is because they are totally oblivious to their potential because they lack the education in either investment, psychology, and numerous other sciences, that do not require college just a simple trip to the library. I feel most people are naive and ignorant, even most people who call themselves smart, when it comes to politics or in interpreting the world around them because most people do not even know what philosophy is and if they do they don't realize how important it is. I study and write a lot philosophy which has allowed myself to see more of the truth in the world, while most people are just passive observer's of their own lives striving for the same things humans millions of years ago did, which is survive and replicate. This just so happens to be same goal as every dog and rat, only we go about it in much more complex ways.  Most people think "humans" are these special creatures, but they fail to realize that the only difference between them and the millions of animals they slaughter for food is the make up of their brains, the one thing that most people fail to use.  Again my subjective idea of a superior person, is a person who thinks, reads, lives a life outside our very primitive nature but within the confines of reality (not in the confines of fairy tales/religious doctrine). It is also important to think about what standard you hold yourself and others to, mine is the ability to see the world for how it is and being able to use it/ change it in the most beneficial way for oneself and everyone.  Like most philosophers like Aristotle and Nietzsche I believe the superior person or over man is the philosopher.  I am not going to kid myself and tell people that i don't think I'm superior because we have been socially programmed to think that is a wrong thing to think such a thing.  Not to mention for all those people who said you don't, "other people" can mean certain people like the mentally handicapped, rapists, murderers... come on people open your eyes and be real.  

  18. No - mostly inferior

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