
Do you consider yourself to be addicted to anything?

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Do you consider yourself to be addicted to anything?




  1. Yes - lol - probably reading.

  2. Yep answering your questions there my English Rose.

  3. Yes, I think, I am addicted to meditation and the beauty.  

  4. air, food, sleep, tea.

  5. Yes to your avatar, i dream of it  

  6. Yahoo answers and oh this song (not rick roll I promise)

  7. Yeah. YA, sadly.

    I need to get out more!

  8. Running, possibly.

    Whether I get my run in or not can affect my whole day...

  9. Wrong section.... but I do have concerns about my Louboutin habit.  I am not sure I have crossed over to full-on addiction, but the opportunity is there.

  10. Am i addicted to anything?




  11. Heya

    laptop, make-up, phone... shall i go on?

    Hope i helped :)

    Plz, could u answer my question?

  12. weed ,marijuanna,hash,pot,skunk,


  13. Yes, I smoke.  Coffee after that.

  14. I'm quite fond of Yahoo Answers at the minute. My fiance would call it an addiction, but I think I just enjoy it...

    Also, Friends (the TV show), that's a borderline obsession

  15. Pancakes. Pancakes. Pancakes. Pancakes. Pancakes. Pancakes. Pancakes. Pancakes. Pancakes. Pancakes. Pancakes. Panc.....  

  16. Yep... but I'm in the process of breaking the habit though.

  17. Nintendo DS lite!

  18. Nope.  anyway, its not an addiction.

    It's just a Hobby.

    I can do.

    All the time.

  19. Yes, unfortunately. Nicotine.

  20. I am probably addicted to lorcet.Have had several back surgeries,can't get around without it

  21. my boyfriend. ;]

  22. I'm addicted to the samurai/ninja movies

  23. Someone as a young person I managed to avoid quite a lot.

    Does Dr. Pepper count?

  24. Love

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