
Do you consider yourself your brothers keeper?

by  |  earlier

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not just genetically?




  1. No, but I could be wrong!

  2. Absolutely!

    And we are whether we realize it or not. We have become so "independent" and "self sufficient" and look how that is working for us. Too many people are discontent including very successful people. They have everything in the world but satisfaction with their lives and no inner peace. Chasing our tails for the next buck and bigger house or yacht while people are starving, WWIII is about to break and dis-ease is rampant.

    Until we become our brother's keeper there will be no peace (inner or other wise).


  3. On many levels yes I am .

  4. no we are both adults to chose how we live our lives is our own business. i do my thing and he does his own.

  5. h**l No, He's d**n near 40 years old he can keep his self or his wife can.

    He's older ;)  

  6. to some extent, yes. not in a controling maner, but that we look out for each other. we protect each other to some extent, and we help each other.  

  7. To some extent. If 2 kids are fighting or a 2 people are arguing (esp. man shouting at a woman) I ask if everything's all right and hang around till I'm sure in case backup needs calling. If it's a bigger group or people or weapons are involved, I'd just call 911.

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