
Do you considered yourself Athletic? and What's your sign?

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I think I am but I have plenty of work ahead of me to get to the body that I want. I work out pretty much everyday and I enjoy doing it. Its a great stress reliever and it has become my everyday routine. Practical Taurus here! Plus, I love playing sports such as basketball and soccer.

Leo Rising

Taurus Sun

Cancer Moon

Aqua Mars

What about u? :)




  1. i am a sexual athlete  

  2. I love to run, and especially swim, but running on a treadmill and lifting weights just seems boring to me. I would have to be doing something fun to get decent exercise.

    I have recently taken to riding my bike a bunch, its the perfect combination of fun and exercise for me. :)

    I am a Sagittarius.  

  3. I could be very athletic and good at sports....however I'm a bit lazy and uncoordinated....I'm a leo.

  4. YES i am athletic i have enough energy to fuel an airplane lol gemini

  5. Not AT ALL "athletic", but I'm always "moving", have loads of nervous energy, I'm a Gemini......

  6. I like some sports, and I do love exercising but I wouldn't consider myself "athletic".

    Gemini sun

    Scorpio moon

    Leo rising

  7. I love swimming, tennis, and walking in a natural setting, but am I athletic? No ******* way.. Am a taurus...

  8. I'd say so. I don't tire easily compared to my friends when we play sports. I'm like the Energizer Bunny.

    Pisces Sun. Virgo Moon. Taurus Rising. Aries Mars.

  9. I am VERY athletic.

    I absolutely love sports

    And i go to the gym about 4 days a week

    Pe is my Fav subject! Haha

    Im a capricorn

  10. Well, I work out everyday, and have excellent stamina. I'm a good runner, and I have good perseverance and can keep myself going for a long time. I'm in good shape, but my body is not athletic, I like to eat too much. But yes, I am always on the move. Filled with energy, and not easy to hold


    Libra Rising

    Libra Sun

    Cancer Moon

    Libra Mars (Conjunct Sun/Asc)

  11. Well, kind of. I'm a dancer and a former cheerleader so I guess I'm slightly athletic. I'm a little skinny though because I'm half Chinese. :/

  12. I'm not really sure if I'm athletic, but I run everyday for about 30-60 minutes. So about 2-4 miles/day. I used to be extremely lazy and just eat and sleep, but thats over-with.

    And I'm a Taurus.

  13. Okay... I guess you could say I am sorta athletic, but the main sport I do is soccer.  I get tired so EASILY and I just feel like giving up when I'm running.  I just can't stand it.  I have a Libra Rising, a Gemini Sun, a Libra moon and an Aries Mars.

  14. YES i am so athletic!!!! i play sports every day. its like my job!!! i am a capricorn.

  15. i can be pretty athletic when i want..(my taurus moon gets in the way

    i happen to be an EXTREMELY fast runner, especially for the length of my legs.(i am a bit short) lol

    obviously i have the upper hand if i ever find myself being chased by a killer. ^_^ even though i am very fast, i also get tired in a snap. it's odd. i'm kind of like a cheetah. very fast but only for short bursts. it must be my aries ascendent that makes me athletic while my taurus moon makes me tire easilly. haha

    cancer sun

    aries rising

    taurus moon

    gemini mars

    edit: hey, man! i havent heard from you. idk if it was because you werent on, or because i wasnt looking hard enough, but either way, its good to see your questions again.

    edit: oh, by saying taurus moon makes me tire easilly, i meant that it makes me lazy. that's all. but from what you said above about working out, you prove all stereotypes about taurus' laziness to be wrong. hehe =P

  16. I like playing sports, but no way am I athletic...unless you call walking downtown dancing a sport, then I could be considered athletic. XP

    Oh yeah, I like lifting weights too.

    I'm good at that. :D

    Gemini Sun

    Libra Moon

    Cancer Rising

    Taurus Mars

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