
Do you continue drinking Pepsi even though you know how bad it is for you? (Coke,RC,WPOP,whateverUr brand is)?

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Do you continue drinking Pepsi even though you know how bad it is for you? (Coke,RC,WPOP,whateverUr brand is)?




  1. No I never drink it.I was listening to the radiowhen there was a dentist talking about just how destructive it is on your teeth and he said something which was really quite alarming.If you brush your teeth too soon after drinking it the bad effect is ten times worse and causes a reaction that is the equivalent of leaving your teeth in acid and it does untold damage to the enamel on your teeth.

  2. I just switch to sugar free drinks =]

  3. no, because that would lead to health issues

  4. Yes there isn't anything else to drink water tastes crappy

  5. yes i do drink coke even though it is bad for me just like i smoke cigarettes and eat red meat

  6. Occasionally, but I try not to.

  7. My wife and I go through 3 cases a week. I guess thats an improvement over 3 cases of beer a week like I used to do.

  8. NO

  9. not as much, i went off coke when they put the things that taste nice in tea into coke. now coke tastes like cough medicine.

  10. Not Pepsi, but I drink all sorts of stuff. especially water. I treat myself every once in a while to a pop, though.

  11. I've been drinking soda my whole life because it tastes good.

    hey, you only live once, right?

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