
Do you control your imagination or your imagination controls you ?

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Do you control your imagination or your imagination controls you ?




  1. I control my imagination and I used it for intellectual gain.  I am creative but I know how to organize it.

  2. I hope there is a higher conscious that controls both.

  3. CSI, I dun use imagination. that's why u all see there are so many unsolved cases called X-files.

    Fantasy, I love to use imagination.

    s*x, I let imagination controls me.

    Earning money, my imagination runs wild.

    Law and Order, I control my imagination to be justified.

    Girls, my imagination havoced!

  4. i control my imagination.

  5. I am in control of all my imaginations from the most gentle to the wildest..

    Imaginations can be uninhibited or without barriers, If not in control then one may get possibly lost..

  6. I control your imagination.

    If my imagination control me, then I am must be crazy.

  7. well to be frank i'm just a Dumb 8th graDer... but here is my 2 cents

    i Belive that you can control what ur imagining about, but just the structure of what ur imagining. ur Imagination controls the rest.

    E.g: u start thinking about Dogs then ranDom thoughts pop into ur heaD right? like what type of Dogs there are n what r the cutest of ugliest.

    But i think it just might DepenD on who u are. an u personally.

    sorry if it was not very helpful. but....... :D

    Message me an tell me what u think if i'm just a Dumb creeper or have at least some brain cells living in there.... when i was younger i like the smell of gas.... that might explain alot. :D

  8. my imagination controls me.....unfortunately

  9. I think both of them things happen. Some times our imagination runs wild and we have to think of something else

    to control it. But if our imagination didn't do that all the time we wouldn't be very creative, would we?

  10. my imagination is always a part of me.



  11. your imagination should control ''you'', do you think the light bulb got invented????????????

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