
Do you cook porridge during Ramadhan? If so, care to share your favorite recipe?

by  |  earlier

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I intend to cook porridge only during Ramadan, to save $$ and also in the effort to lose those extra pounds ;) what is your local favorites? I would love to try out new recipes each day from fellow muslims all over the world..




  1. Well, in my family, we don't use oat in any other dish except oats!

    Get some milk, boil it, throw the oats in, with sugar, let it all boil down to a gloopy, oaty mixture. Heaven!

  2. by porridge, you mean oatmeal?

    Here in SaudiArabia.. we use oats as a thickner in soups.. and we do have a soup exclusive to Ramadan made with oatmeal.. we boil up bits of lamb or beef with a bit of onion, garlic, some arabic mixed spices, some pureed tomato till the meat is about to fall apart tender, then add a couple heaping tablespoons of oats to the broth.. then let it boil till you cant see the oats anymore.. it comes out a very rich tasty thick soup...

    we also serve something called Harees.. which isnt really the rolled oats.. its more of the whole grain.. you boil whole grain wheat for about 2 hours along with water, salt, some boullion cubes, a chopped tomatoe and some lamb meat or chicken.. water choice of meat.. till the whole thing is super soft. then before serving.. you remove all the bones, and beat the mixture with a huge wooden spoon till it becomes sticky and thick.. you serve in in a flat dish.. and spreed some ghee (whole milk butter fat) on the top... its a traditional saudi dish during Ramadan...

  3. Being scottish I can tell you there is only one way we cook it. Milk in a pot, add milk and salt, heat till boiling point, simmer and serve. Put cold milk and more salt on top and there you go, good old Scotch Porridge oats any other way to eat it is just not on for a scot. I mean the english put sugar on it for goodness sakes ewwww sugar on Porridge how very dare theyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! lol

  4. I don't know how to cook ,but here i have a drink which i love to drink on every day of Ramadan.

    actually it is |"Dood Soda"it is delicious .

    you just have to pour milk in bowl and then pour in it 7up .

    shake it a little bit and drink it.loop ! delicious!

    another idea!

    if you don't know what to cook just do what my bro did last time in ramadan.

    he mixed every vegetable and every kind of bread(even expired one), every kind of masala(1 spoon each)and some egg then mix it in mixer and put the mixture in fry pan fry with lemonade and fry it in oil.

    that is what my 15 yr old bro did ,it was Delicious we ate it,but after finishing the whole thing he told us what he did(with all expired food and uncooked eggs) we all tryed to bring this thing out(but failed).

    but seriously it was delecious.

  5. Crushed whaet/ oats

    mutton/chicken-( bone and other parts like wings neck etc of chicken)

    Choped tomato


    corriander leaves.

    ginger garlic



    spring onion


    cook all ingredients together in a pressure cooker for 1 hour

    after cooking crush all by heavy spoon

    while serving add some pepper cumin powder some olive oil/ butter

    lemon juice

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