
Do you cook something special for your toddler or does he/she have to eat what the rest of the family is?

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Do you cook something special for your toddler or does he/she have to eat what the rest of the family is?




  1. It really depends on what I am making.  If it is something spicy, or something that I know my daughter doesnt like, I make her something else.  But usually, my daughter eats what we eat.  If there is something Ive made that she didnt like in the past, I still put a very small amount of it on her plate but dont force her to eat it.

  2. Well, one of mine eats what we do and the really really picky one gets their own. Something I have really been trying to change.

  3. Since the boy is 2 1/2, he eats the same as we do, curry included although he'll get more of the rice and less of the sauce.  Naturally no vindaloo, we do them mild.  

  4. It depends what the rest of us are eating, if we are having something spicy for example, then I will give her something else, but in general she just eats the meat from the meal that we are eating (she refuses to eat vegies or pasta or any of that stuff)

  5. My daughter (17 months) eats what we eat.  If she doesn't like it or doesn't eat, I don't cook anything special for her, but will offer her something else healthy that she likes, such as yogurt, fruit, toast, cheese, etc.

  6. i give my toddler what everbody else is having but if it is something that i dont think she should have due to spice or a texture i know she wont eat then i modify it so she can have it but generally if i give her something different she wants what everybody else has

  7. It all depends on what we are eating. If it's something that he might choke on, then I will give him something else. But for the most part, I give him the same thing we are eating.

  8.  Special meals breed picky eaters.

    Other than meals containing shellfish (which are a rarity) she eats anything and everything we eat.  Over my dead body am I cooking two meals.  She eats just fine, and has the most developed palate I have ever seen on a two year old.

  9. My family eats together so it would be weird to cook something separate. She isn't a picky eater, most likely because she eats what we eat. I cook healthy food, I refuse to be a short order cook!

  10. My daughter is 2 and she eats EVERYTHING that we eat..Rice,chicken,veggies,pasta,fish,ect... is definatly NOT a picky eater.It is so much easier.Her favorite is corn on the cob,she literally can eat a large one to herself.

  11. Until they were 3 years old I cooked different for them then at 3 they started eating whatever was served but I always make sure to include one thing I know they will eat and then have them try the other stuff too.  My 3 year old though is allergic to peanuts so if we are having something that may have peanuts or peanut oil in it then of course I make him something safe for him to eat.  

  12. Like some of your other answers have said it all depends on the meal.  If it is something either spicy or hard to chew (like steak or something) i'll cook her something special.  I am a stay at home mom and most of the time i'm too busy to eat my own lunch, so I do find myself making special things for my daughter to eat during the day.  She eats most of what her father and I eat though.

  13. she eats what I'm eating, but i always make sure that there is something out of the meal that she likes. like if i have steak, she wont really eat that much so i make sides that i know she will eat and like.

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