
Do you correct people who misprounce your name if you know you may never see them again?

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Do you correct people who misprounce your name if you know you may never see them again?




  1. no.


  3. Well how would I know that I am never going to see them again? I would correct them just in case.

  4. No, I don't see the point.  I'm not sure why people insist on correcting people they'll never deal with again.  Perhaps it's an ego thing.

  5. No.  I don't care that much if I won't see them again.  I do care that someone called me my mom's name for a whole year however.

  6. I know some of my friends don't correct people often, and /I/ correct them them on how to pronounce my friends' name right.

    It bothers me, more than them. o_o

    I just hate when people pronounce things wrong ever. D:

    It bothers me greatly. x_____x

  7. No, I got sick of it years ago.  If someone on the phone says my name wrong I just say, yeah, whatever.

  8. I probably would the first time around, like upon introduction. If I saw them several times in the same day (like at an all day event) and I knew I was not going to see them again I might ignore it subsequently.

  9. No, don't bother.

  10. This really depends upon how you feel about someone mispronouncing your name. To some people, it would not matter at all since they might not ever see the person again- to others, they would correct them simply because their name was mispronounced.  My daughter and I share the same name (my middle, her first) and it does not matter - if it is mispronounced, I do offer the correct pronunciation. I'm a teacher - I can't help it...wherever there is a teaching moment - lol

  11. No.  If I'm never going to see them again, I don't really care how they pronounce it.  SO MANY people mispronounced my maiden name that it wasn't worth correcting all of them.


  12. Only if they're way off, and I have to listen to them calling me that for a prolonged period of time.

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