
Do you cover your bird at night???

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I mean the African Grey variety xx




  1. dont know if this helps, I used to cover mine up. But it was a cockatiel.

  2. hi yes i cover both my greys does help to settle them..but it is entirely up to you and your bird

  3. yes it calms them down and shuts them up if they sing in the morning but dont leave it on because the bird will think its nite when you have it on

  4. Yes I do.  Its a canary, not the african grey, but it stops it singing through the evening and keeps it free from draughts and lower temperatures through the night.

  5. Yea I pull the duvet over my missis every night when I go to bed.

  6. you can.

    they will be more quiet and sleep if you do


  7. yes it will help it rest

  8. Yep Helps it sleep Better

  9. I haven't had an  african grey but i used to cover up my finches cockatiels and budgies up.

    it keeps them more quiet so they dont whistle in the middle of the night or in the morning when you want a lie in!

    just make sure that you uncover the bird once you get up.

  10. It's generally best to cover any bird up at night, because it helps prevent them from seeing things in the room and getting spooked, and helps them feel safe and hidden from predators. A bird originating in the jungle--like an African Grey or a macaw--won't have night terrors the way a bird from open regions would, but it still helps them feel safe at night. Think of it as the avian equivalent of a night light.

    It also has the added benefit of helping them sleep in later in the morning, if it's a dark-colored cover, which will also help you sleep in.

  11. yes it's best 2 cover them they are more quiet.

  12. Birds rise with the sun and settle down for the night to sleep when the sun goes down. This is the natural behavior of a bird, so it is good to keep them in a area that is semi dark and undisturbed of light so they can get the sleep they need to be healthy just like us they need a curtain amount for their health 12 hours. Covered birds the cover needs to be put on and taken off at the same time every day which equals 12 hours. My bird is not a african grey but they are the same when it come to sleep,  mine is not caged but he has a dark corner and is not bothered and if he is he will let you know you are bothering him....    This page tells of someone's experience with her bird that wasn't getting enough sleep.

  13. I dont own an African Grey.

    I own Cockatiels.

    I let my Cockatiels into this room that we made specially for them during the day so they can fly around, stretch their wings, and just play around.

    Then during the night, for safety procautions, I put them in their cage ( which is in my bedroom ) and will put a sheet over the front half of the cage, so it appears darker for them, so they wont whistle and talk during the night, and will actually go to sleep.

    It works pretty well.


  14. no i dont cover my birds up.

  15. yeah, it calms them and stops drafts and so on...

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