
Do you curse in front of your kids? ?

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I do. Not saying it's right...but who determined that these were bad words to begin with? I don't curse at my kids but I do curse in casual conversation with my kids around, 2 and 5. I don't really see anything wrong with it. It's the way I talk and the way my husband talks. But I have gotten dirty looks when I have dropped the occassional F-bomb while in public with my girls. Hey, I'm only human and it's not like I'm saying anything really horrible, like F this and Sh** that and every other word is "bad" but I do curse. Does anyone else curse in front of their kids or have an opinion?




  1. yes but only when it slips out  try not to with little uns but we have 25 and older teens and they swear like troopers  

  2. I worked in a club for many years and I never noticed that I cursed, it was just the way I talked.  But my mom has pointed it out to me lol.  So yes, I do curse in front of my child.  But like you, it is the occasional f bomb.  I don't think there is anything wrong with it if it slips out every once in a while.  there are far worse things my child could me hearing.

  3. I used to have a terrible mouth, and certainly did curse in front of my kids (also never AT or TO them, but like you said, just is conversation and they could hear me). I have since stopped, given that my eldest is a complete parrot and has come out with some things that I know for sure have come from me. I agree its not the world's worst thing, but when you hear your 2 year old saying the F word, its really not that cute!  

  4. Yes , I have a bad potty mouth !!! So far my child is 8 and I have never heard her say any cuss words as of yet anyways,  because she knows better. I simply tell her that its big people words and she is still a kid. However Just 2 days ago we were at the school for open house and they were having icecream and the teacher had asked if I'd like some cookie crumbs on mine. I then exclaimed h**l yeah I'll have the works !!! I was so embarressed after I realized what I had just said. I felt like I should have had to go to the princibles office or

  5. I do but, in public i try to hold my tongue because they don't know anything about my relation with my family so yeah...if you feel like there's nothing wrong go ahead an say WHATEVER you want...its your mouth not theres

  6. No you should not curse in front of your children. You should not curse period!

  7. I too curse around (but not at) my daughter, and I don't hold any guilt whatsoever about it! Those are simply "grown-up" words, and as her mother it's my job to teach her that.

    I feel compelled to add that I don't consider my language decisions a "lack of self control" or "education," but rather a personal choice.

  8. My husband and I learned to curb our bad language when my two-year-old son said the "F" word in front of some of my friends.  Fortunately, they laughed.  From then on, we never again used bad language in front of our kids until they became teenagers and started using it in front of us.  We became a little more casual about it after that, but still, I ask them to try to be aware of the social situation they are in and only use those words when they are sure no one will be offended.  I also ask them to try to use polite language in my house because I personally don't like curse words as much as I did when I was young. For the most part, they're good about it.  

  9. I am very mindful of the words that come out of my mouth.  I try not to say anything that I would not want my children to repeat.

    When I was young my oldest sister (who swears like a sailor) Dropped the F-bomb and said ****** a lot.  It was a real slap in the face for my family when my parents got a call from my youngest sister's school saying that she had flipped off the class bully and told him he was an f-ing ******.  She was in kindergarten at the time.  We all got a stern talking to that evening about appropriate conversation and everyone has cleaned their mouths a lot since that day.

  10. I think it is trashy to cuss in front of your kids. How can you expect them to learn self control if you do not exhibit it yourselves? Everyone on here is making excuses, but it is really unfair to not give your children the best of you, and this includes your language.

  11. I totally see what your saying they are just words and really its no big deal and there gonna hear it if not from me but from someone else. But i personally would be embarressed if my 3 year old started to talk like that. I do swear infront of her but im trying really hard not to especially since i heard my daughter call my husband a "friggon ***" the other night! I just dont think other parents and teachers will be as open minded to it and i dont want my daughter not invited to things because shes a bad influence and talks dirty ya know? Shes 3 and she should talk like a 3 year old and what she learns she learns from me.

  12. My husband and I don't except the occasional cuss word when you hurt yourself.  Once my husband said f*** when he had the window slam down on his hand and every time my 2 year old saw a window he would point and say f***.  It's bad whenever they start repeating it because they don't know that it sounds ugly and they don't really understand what they are saying.

  13. God I would LOVE to be able to say I didn't....BUT YES I DO...not all the time, I don't really use cursing on an everyday basis...but when I am REALLY ANGRY,I say some pretty "POTTY MOUTH" things and I have also been know to let some expletives FLY AT my kids(usually in question the h**l or worse...what the F)...I know...TERRIBLE HUH...but the TRUTH (they're Teenagers and sometimes I would like to  Bite Their Heads Off! But I calm Down pretty quickly and feel guilty and Apologize...

  14. no because it teaches your kids it is alright to curse in everyday conversation and I don't want my children to be cursing. I think it sounds disgusting when people curse, they sound uneducated, like they can't think of any educated proper words to use there so they swear, I personally don't want my kids sounding like trash, so I don't swear in front of them. I would probably give you a dirty look if I heard you say that in front of your kids. I want my children to respect other people and learn to use words that aren't trashy so I teach them other words to use when they are upset or where someone else would use a swear word. I just don't like it, but that is how my parents raised me, to be respectful and not to swear. I especially hate it when people swear in front of other people's children, just because they don't care if their kids use trashy words doesn't mean I don't care so they should keep it to themselves when in the presence of others children.

  15. yes i do..and no its not the right thing to do but who is anyone else to judge you on how to raise your kids?? you are the one taking care of them not anyone else so their say shouldn't matter. But yea i do i have 3 kids...4yrs. 1 yr. and 8 mon. the 25th...and i curse in front of them...i try not to but yea we are human and things happen..i say dont worry about it because no matter what they are your kids and their still going to love you regardless...

  16. I try not to but sometimes things slip out but my 6 year old and i have a deal that if i say a bad word (meaning any word that will get him in trouble at school) then i owe him a quarter.  The F-bomb is worth $1 since that will most definitely get him in trouble.  

  17. I don't see anything wrong with it either. My mom cursed in front of me and I wasn't ruined as a result of it. They're just words, and like you said, who determines whether or not they are bad words?

  18. Well my son is only 8 months but I do cuss a lot, I'm really trying to stop though.

    I don't want my son walking around say Sh*t and f*ck around school when hes 5 thinking its ok.  

  19. I try really hard not to.  I'm bad about saying "sh--" when I drop something.  One day, my oldest (almost 4) dropped his sippy cup and said it.  Ever since that day, I try my hardest to use alternate, child-friendly words.  Like "uh oh" or something like that.  So far so good.  I've been curse-word-free for several weeks now.

    As for the F-bomb.  I just feel like that is a very unlady-like and disrespectful word, so I don't use that one at all.  To be honest with you, I'd give you a dirty look too if I heard you use it in front of your kids.  In fact, if you were saying it loudly enough that my kids could hear, I'd politely ask you to keep it down.  I just feel like you should be respectful of other people when you are in a public place.  Your house, your business, but not in public.  My mother always said, "People only talk like that because they lack the education to use bigger, smarter, more sophisticated words."  lol  It always made sense to me.

    I know you think that they are "just words", but it doesn't make them appropriate or acceptable.  The N word is "just a word", but its incredibly offensive and disrespectful.  The C word (in reference to female genitalia) is very offensive.  There are lots of "just words" that are inappropriate, offensive and disrespectful to use.  I'll never understand why people think they are OK, let alone why they would teach those words to their children.

  20. I've never really been a cusser. My kids are teens now and the worse thing I will say in front of them is a$$. If something else accidentally slips when I stub my toe, I apologize. I don't want to raise foul mouthed children and I don't want them to think it's "O.K." to speak that way.

    Frankly, I would be one of the moms giving you a dirty look for using the f word in front of your kids and actually so would my kids. I mean, why would you want your kids exposed to that? And coming from you? While they are "just words," that doesn't' mean it's appropriate to use them. Words do have meaning and I think it's important to teach that to kids, and as parents, we are their first example!

  21. i'm TTC and yes both me and my SO will be cursing  because that's how we talk.

  22. My mom was swearing one day on the phone when I was little so I started saying the same words, she got really mad at me and all I remember is feeling like "well you said it, so it must be okay". You just need to remember that younger kids pick that kind of stuff up and if they say a "bad" word and you don't want them using that language, they might be confused.

  23. i dont have kids...

    but my parents do curse

    i think everyone does

  24. I don't really curse conversationally.  Haven't since I was in my early 20's.  It's just not a polite, respectful way to speak.  

    I do, occasionally slip up when I'm frustrated or angry, though.  If I do & the kids hear, I try to model an appropriate reaction & apologize for using impolite words.

    The words are 'bad' because they are not polite.  They are words that actually mean 'intercourse' and 'bowel movement' and other things that are not polite topics of conversation.  

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