
Do you detest having to pay car parking fees?

by  |  earlier

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Ok detest is a bit much but I think it is awful having to pay a charge when you attend hospital.




  1. I do not have a Car at the moment as they are too expensive to run ! As I live in south London there are numerous Buses at the top of my road, the London (Ex-Croydon) Tramlink is so close to hand, there are numerous National Rail Stations within easy reach & access to the Northern & District Underground Lines is fairly easy !

    I use to work as a Parking Attendant / Civil Enforcement Officer for APCOA / Central Parking Systems (Control Plus+) / APCOA contracted to provide 'Parking Enforcement' for Wandsworth Borough Council (WBC) in south west London ! When I was given my P45 for NOT issuing ENOUGH Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) ! The Charge to park a Motor Vehicle was £1-80 & £2-20 per hour ! N.B. Solo Motorcycles & Disabled Badge Vehicles parked FREE. I thought at that time when the Parking Charges went up to these amounts that it was a case of 'Mugging the Motorist !' I let those in charge at APCOA & WBC know ! I even went so far as to say that I would NOT park ANYWHERE in Wandsworth if I had a Car ! I would vote with my wheels (if I could afford to run a Car !) & I would go & park elsewhere in another Borough which offered the same Services e.g. Shopping that I was seeking & where the Charge for parking was LESS ! I saw for myself less vehicles being parked on the streets that I patrolled ! Members of the Public would come up to me & COMPLAIN about the level of the Parking Charges ! I would tell them to complain by whatever means to WBC !

  2. I don't mind a reasonable charge, but to have to pay £3 for 2 hours parking is sheer greed on the part of local councils.

    I do think however that anyone who becomes a parking attendant deserves every piece of hatred that comes their way.  They know it is a job that abuses people when they take it and I have no sympathy for them.

    As a former trade union officer I refused to represent them as they bring their problems down on their own heads in my opinion.

  3. h**l yeah haha. Well I've never had 1 personally but family have!

  4. I definitely agree with you! Especially when limousines pull up where they aren't supposed to and don't get ticketed!

  5. I dont pay them, as I get free parking with my Blue Badge(Disabled parking badge)

  6. I would if I had one but all the people who work in the town park in my street and the binmen can't get down the street so I'm torn. I blamre the council.

  7. I dont detest them unreservedly, but what i do hate is the extortionate levels some authorities will charge. In the Coastal town near me to park in the seafront car park costs £3 for 2 hours.  In the road that runs immediately alongside it you can park (if there is a space obviously) all day for nothing.

    What i particularly dislike is getting back to your car 4 minutes over the 3 hours paid for and finding a £60 excess time ticket (£46 if paid within 7 days).

    When you think about it the motorist is the milk cow for the Government - Vat and Special Car Tax on a new vehicle. Road fund licence every year from then on.  3% Insurance Tax on your car insurance. 63% of what you pay for every gallon of fuel in vat & fuel tax, pay to park. A large chunk of what it costs you to run a car is going straight into the governments coffers. Then you read about benefits peculiarities where migrants from other EEC countries can claim Family Allowance/Child Benefit for their Children [who may or may not actually exist] that still live in their home countries.  Or radical Muslim Clerics preaching sedition currently residing in penal institutions  whose families live in half million pound houses' with the rent paid for by the DHSS.  etc etc

  8. No. Wages and maintenance costs have to be re-couped somehow. I do however, detest paying an exorbitant fee, all car parks in the country should be the same price.

  9. No. Someone has to pay for the upkeep of car parks and people would take advantage if all parking was free.

    That doesn't mean I think that what they charge is fair. The cost of parking in Bath is outrageous for example.

    I don't pay if I go alone to town as I use my motorbike which I think is a better option. However, if I go to town with the family, then we pay and are happy to do so.

  10. Yes, just as much as I detest paying taxes, tv licence, etc.

    However I accept the benefits

  11. Detest is a strong word. I don't detest paying but I dislike having to as it makes you rush back

  12. Yep. I'm soooooooooo old I can remember when it was free,

    Of course you could never find a space to park in then.

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