
Do you dislike people who are thinner than you? ?

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This is question mostly for women, because I think this reaction is more common among women, but men feel free to answer. Do you dislike people who weigh less or appear slimmer than you do? Do you dislike "skinny b*****s"? If you are trying to lose weight, do you resent people who don't have to watch their weight? Why? Explanations appreciated.




  1. no ,

  2. i like your question.

    i moved a year ago to this tiny little country in Europe, where pretty much everyone is tall and skinny, you will NEVER find an obese teenager, and an overweight one is rare.

    i do think i disliked them, because compared to the united states, i wasnt used to seeing people like that, and i knew that these girls didnt work for it, people here arent as preoccupied with diet and exercise as girls in the US (all these questions on health and fitness as proof).

    i was never fat, just...average, weighing between 110 and 115 in the last year, at 5 foot 1. then this summer i got down to 90, and i feel fantastic wearing a short skirt and high heels, and thinking hey, i look good, and i did this on my own through effort and perserverance, i didnt always have legs that i wasnt afraid to show off (just last summer i must worn a skirt 3 or 4 times during all three months, and now i was forced only in skirts and shorts cause all my jeans were huge on me).

    but i do resent the girls that are skinny and arent preoccupied with counting calories, and eat things that i wouldnt even think of eating, like something incredibly oily. but that's because im a food addict, i dont only eat when im hungry, i just want to eat all the time. im just learning to control that, but i think that if i had one wish in my life i'd probably choose to be able to eat as much as i want and not gain any weight.

    i dont look at girls bodies as often as i used to to compare them to me because i know im at a minimum weight (even though my legs COULD be skinnier, if i lost any more weight the bones in my chest would look disgusting, as would my spine, i'm thinner up top, boobless also).

    sure, im a little envious of the ones born with REALLY fast metabolisms and who just have perfect figures and have never given a thought to weight and look fine, or those who dont love food as much, but i realize that there are those who have it a lot worse, and that i actually EARNED my body, instead of just got it, and im one of those people that feels so incredibly proud accomplishing something.

    again, good question, i'll be curious to read other answers.

  3. no i dont dislike people who are thinner than me, im currently trying to loose weight, and when i see some one that i wish i looked like i use them as inspiration

  4. not me atlease..

  5. I don't dislike them, exactly (unless they actually are b*****s).

    I'm more... jealous of them, I guess.

    Although I'm having trouble with my body image so that probably has a lot to do with it.

    And I get the impression that they don't have to try to maintain their weight, while I struggle every day with the IDEA that I may be gaining weight (although I'm not).

    It's not fun. =[

  6. I definatley do not dislike them. If they eat tonnes, then I will be jealous, but I won't hate them for it.

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