
Do you do anything to save the environment?

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Do you do anything to help save the environment or do you just not care?

If you do try to help what do you do?




  1. yup im a vegetarian!

  2. I really do care about the enviroment. Sometimes I pick up trash. I recycle. But I'm usually really busy so I don't do much...

  3. Let me start off by saying we (my family and I) live completely, 100% “off of the grid and are completely self sufficient”

    The house is built utilizing natures natural elements, in the shape of an octagon with 8ft wide arch doors on every wall to catch every angle of wind (typical 4 sided homes have half the chance as one with 8 sides. A circle being the most efficient design). Woodburning stoves, solar chimney, solar AC, solar heating, solar water heating (pool and home), solar stove, solar power, wind power, hydrogen powered back up generator, hydrogen back up water heater, hydrogen stove, 2 hydrogen powered trucks, 1 EV (electric vehicle) and satellite internet.

    We also built many green small cabins on the ranch that we offer to family, friends and our on-site off-grid workshop guests, including one straw bale, one papercrete, earth bag and adobe, one cob and cordwood, one underground and rammed earth, one log and post and beam and one rock. Each one actually started as a test for what the main house would be and were later finished and turned into guest cabins. I later wrote a guide on how to build with alternative materials using alternative methods for next to nothing.

    We raise meat and milk goats, chickens for meat and eggs, ducks for meat and eggs, trap havilina (wild boar pig), rabbit, quail. brew our own beer from home grown products, preserve our fruits, vegetables, etc. smoke and jerky the meat, make our own soap, cheese.

    There are no utility lines, no water lines, no roads, tv, cell service, etc. on our ranch. EVERYTHING needed is produced here. All electricity comes from 27 solar panels, 2 main wind gens and a back hydrogen generator if needed (typically we can last 9 days with all luxuries of sunless windless weather, hasn't happened yet). Water is caught and storaged from the rain. Hot water is made with solar batch water heaters with an on-demand hydrogen hot water heater as backup. solar chimney, solar AC, solar heating, solar water heating (pool and home), solar stove, solar power, wind power, hydrogen powered back up generator, hydrogen back up water heater, hydrogen stove, 2 hydrogen powered trucks, 1 EV (electric vehicle) and satellite internet. Even our vehicles use alternative energy (2 hydrogen trucks, 1 EV electric vehicle converted). Because of this we have no bills, no debt and no mortgage.

    Anyone interested can check it out at..

    www agua-luna com

    I believe this is the first step anyone can make “help the environment”. Once you convert your own life style to a greener more eco friendly route, you can start helping others.

    my home has all the comforts listed above plus some. we live very comfortable without effecting the environment. just saying that tol et you know it's possible. you may not want to go as extreme as me and my family but anywhere in between is something.

    Without getting to in depth here, Using alternative fuels in your vehicles and harnessing your own electricity from the sun, water, earth and wind are the 2 are key elements in making a green transition and erasing your carbon footprint.

    here's a calculator to find out how much of a green impact your making (carbon footprint)

    if you'd like to make your next step feel free to contact me personally at www agua-luna com

    I've been installing home made Solar panels. Solar stoves, Solar batch and inline hot water heaters. Solar radiant heating. Solar home heating and AC, along with home made wind gens and other alternative energy items for the last 3 years.

    You can even make the above projects on site with simple parts from the local hardware stores or auto stores or junk yards. For more info check out some guides I wrote / compiled on how to DIY www agua-luna com

    Again these projects can be accomplished anywhere by anyone.

    if you absolutely can't do anything in your home at least you can put alternative fuels in your car. most major automotive manufacturers (Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors, etc) recommend the use of bio fuels, and nearly every car manufacturer in the world approves ethanol blends in their warranty coverage.

    In fact your probably even driving an ethanol car and didn't even know it.

    The trick is finding fuel.

    I've been producing biofuel for about 3 years now, it's not extremely difficult. Basically you need general household ingredients, a processor (or still for ethanol) and some used oil. Blend it, let separate, screen and use. I complied a guide a while back to help walk you threw the process step by step, just email me or check out..

    www agua-luna com

    as for recyling the best way i've found without taking money from your won pocket is to join a free freecycle group in your area or visit the habitat for humanity.

    If you’d like help in making your self sufficient steps, feel free to contact me directly. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at www agua-luna com

    on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others “help the environment”.

    Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at  www agua-luna com on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

    Dan Martin

    Alterative Energy / Sustainable Consultant, Living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World... Instantly Elevating Their Income & Lowering Their Debt, While Saving The Environment by Using FREE ENERGY... All With Just One Click of A Mouse...For more info Visit:  

    www AGUA-LUNA com

    Stop Global Warming, Receive a FREE Solar Panels Now!!!

  4. I recycle plastic and glass.

    I have a compost heap with all of my veggie peelings etc in it.

    I use the 30 degree cycle when washing my clothes.

    I use public transport rather than a car.

    I have a timer on my heating to switch it on only when needed.

    I use energy saving lightbulbs.

    I try to buy things without lots of packaging.

  5. i recycle. but with everything thats going on to worsen it here in america, and the fact that no one doesnt really amount to much. americas goin straight down the toilet.

  6. im vegetarian, and slowly becoming vegan!

    i dont throw trash on the ground.

    i recycle... i dont leave the lights on all the time.

    i think that pretty much it :]]]

  7. turn the  lights off, recycle, plant trees,

  8. I recycle, I don't eat meat,

    and I volunteer at a seabird resuce at the beach every saturday

  9. save water, dont throw trash everywhere, dont kill bugs

  10. Of course! Saving the environment is really important to me...

    I try

    -to turn off lights after I leave a room

    -to recycle

    -not to use arisol spray cans

    -not to waste water..

    the list goes on...

  11. vegan


    voulentary work at the animal rescue centre


  12. Although i am only a kid.

    -i recycle 99.9% of all waste.

    -I turn evrything off in teh house eve after everone has gone to bed

    -i make sure the light bulbs are efficient.

    -i walk everywhere

    - i have made a website on future transport methods for cargo ships.

    - i try and do anything.

    i believe each house should have it's own soruce of eneergy then they will see how much they waste! whether this supply is via solar,wind or maybe burning they should try and live a week on there own source of elelctricity/energy. then they will have a real idea how much energy is being produced and what a problem global warming is!!

  13. I recycle

    I compost

    I shop local

    I shop organic

    I use all natural biodegradable cleaning/healthcare products

    I turn my thermostat down

    I use CF bulbs

    I purchase Energy Star windows/doors

    I donate to various organizations

    I am vegetarian

    I turn off lights

    I unplug appliances that aren't in use

    I shop fair trade

    I spread the word

    I protest retail companies that don't use recycled paper for catalogs

    I plant drought hardy plants

    I plant trees

    I pick up litter


  14. Most of what I do is only partially for the environment.  It's just sensible in general.  I come from an austere and stoic culture:  eastern US pioneer, English/Scots-Irish/German Protestant types, particularly influenced by Quakers and Mennonites, with a Puritan type ethic.  They believed all the homilies: "waste not, want not;" "devil makes work for idle hands;" and many others.  So I was raised with an inclination to recycle.  Throwing away anything potentially useful is something I must force myself to do so I don't fill my life with clutter.

    Trying to encourage young people to have no more than two children, but preferably only one, is the most important thing I do.  The greatest help for the environment is to bring human population back to a sustainable level for the earth.  I guess that to be well below 4 billion, and preferably near 2 billion.  I think 2 billion people could all live a very comfortable, if not affluent, lifestyle with abundant room also for all other species.

    Eventually, within about ten thousand years, people will need to reduce population even lower than that.  We are in small temperature oscillations on a long, slow slide into another deep ice age and the migration to much less land near the equator must begin sometime within that.  See the Greenland ice core historical data graphs at

    The worst part is the people there are the greatest overpopulating and they are spreading north just at the wrong time.  My fear is if that trend doesn't reverse soon, the migration south will be behind tanks and other armored fighting vehicles, over ground already largely cleared by very powerful weapons.  That won't help the environment much either.

    I understand that is, in a way, what the Mongols and Turks were forced to do in the last, small ice age.  They pushed into Europe, India and China.  The Monguls pulled back from most of it later, but the Turks never did.

  15. i pick up trash

  16. * changing all my bulbs to fluorescents as the incandescents die off (almost all are changed now)

    * when it was time to buy a new car, I turned in my old Ford and bought a Prius

    * take all my recyclables to the local center (our city has very poor street pickup recycling, they only do glass, aluminum, and 1 and 2 plastic)

    * Use safe cleaning products that do not harm the environment (exception is dishwasher detergent, we have really hard water)

    * Purchased only energy efficient appliances for my home. (If you can't do everything but want to do what you can, get an energy efficient washer and a regular dryer. The washer is the one that makes the difference since an efficient washer will use less water, less energy, and will spin your clothes to almost dry. I do actually take some items out that are completely dry!)

    * When eating seafood, even at a restaurant, I ask where the seafood is from and how it is caught and use a pocket guide to validate that the seafood is caught in an environmentally sound way. (Most restaurants will know this information, and if they don't, I choose something vegetarian.)

    * When buying meat, I purchase it from the local farmers market. I can meet the owners and check how they raise their cattle.

    * When buying produce, I only shop for items that are in season, and when possible, from the local farmers. This means less gas is spent on transporting goods. It also means better food and stimulating my local economy.

  17. this is what i do it is all on here .

    what i do physically is under projects

  18. well i do what i can and i like to do the R.R.R. well i hope you know what those are. I hope this helps you good luck

    God bless

  19. I started a recycling club in my school because i was so disgusted by how much paper goes to waste.  Our recycling club had a couple of bake sales and with the money that we made we bought recycling bins for every class room in the school. As part of our club we organized a mass recycle bin next to our garbage collector. Now our school recycles about 800,000 sheets of paper per week that used to be thrown in the garbage. This was really the first step to start making our town environmentally friendly. Try this at your school or work place!!

  20. yah i care alot about the enviornment. I love it. i recycle and i have a bunch of plants in my backyard and i do lots of other stuff. i just cant remember right now

  21. I recycle cans, use flourescent light bulbs, use green cleaners, turn off lights and fans when their not being used, pick up trash when i see it, and I'm about to start a group at my school about the environment.

    I try to encourage my friends and other family members (grandparents) to do more eco-friendly things.

    I'm also particpating in Earth Hour on March 29th.

  22. Yes i buy Eco friendly food, stopped eating meat, and recycle.

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