
Do you do childcare along with your own small children?

by Guest60008  |  earlier

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What's it really like? I'm like a single mom all week because my husband works a lot. We need more money.

I don't have a lot of free time or time to clean as it is. I have a 4 yr old (who is a handful, not a helper) and 7 month old baby (who is easygoing).

What do you think?




  1. I do this - I have an almost 6 year old and an almost 2 year old...  It can be really hard on some days when you are tired and feeling overwhelmed without another adult to give you a break!  On those days I just chill out and hang with the kids instead of cleaning or stressing about the little things.  In general it is very rewarding and can help with extra income..  Try adding one child, see how it goes and add more as you feel comfortable - be careful though some states require you to be certified when you reach a certain amount of children that are not yours (my state it's 3 kids with my own, once I hit 4 I need to be certified)...

  2. I have a 4 1/2 yr old boy and a 2 1/2year old girl.  I have been doing childcare in my home for the past 3 1/2 years.  At times it is hard!  I get exhausted and don't have time to think, but also at times it is really wonderful!  I would suggest taking on 1 or 2 kids that are older (3-5).  They are old enough to play well with your 4 year old.  They will entertain each other and often it actually makes your job easier.  Yes you still have to watch them - prevent fights, but it can be enjoyable.  I also like it because it gives me more incentive to keep the house clean and plan fun activities for all the kids.  Just make sure you have space for them to play - multiples of favorite toys -  and a fenced yard really helps!!

  3. My mom ran a home daycare from the time i was in 4th grade till I was out of the house at 17 1/2.  I hated it.  There were always screaming kids (my mom is a good day care provider, sometimes you just get the crying babies) drooling everywhere, toys, ugh, I hated her doing it.  She did it so she can be a stay at home mom with my 2 brothers and I, but still I did not like it.  I think it actually made me dislike children.  I now have my own, a 6 month old girl that I love to death, but i'm still not too fond of other people's children.  I think it's a great way for you to make some extra cash, just make sure your main focus is still your own children.  Maybe look into watching a 4 year old to keep your 4 year old occupied?

  4. I am a nanny to 2 kids, and on occassion (very rarely though) bring my own son to work with me. I get free childcare from my own mom, and she brings him to see me a couple times a week. Its an odd situation, caring for other people's kids while my own kid is with my mom. But he loves his gmma, and it works better this way for now. Plus I have nice hours, 7-4, so I get him pretty early still after work.

  5. Taking care of other peoples kids is a big responsbility and a lot of work. You alreay have yourself busy with two. Have you considered an evening job? Perhaps that would be easier then you could have money to put your 4 year old in preschool part time which would make things easier for you and benefit your 4 year old tremendously in terms of giving her social skills and academic preparation.

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