
Do you do things you said you NEVER would???

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I mean as a parent....i said so many different things i would and wouldnt do and used to say "i cant believe she lets her child do this and that" about friends with their babies then you become a parent and realise that sometimes you HAVE to do things that you thought you would never do just to get through the day or just to help your little daughter WILL NOT eat when she teeths so i have taken to putting a small amount of chocolate in her bottles just so she will take SOMETHING ( she is a very petite baby and cant afford to lose weight) i also co-slept with her and gave her a dummy: these are just a few of the things i had ALWAYS said i would never do, and i am sure i will break more and more of my rules as she grows. Just wondering if other people feel have done the same thing????




  1. Usually, when you say you will never do it, its because you have seen it over used.

    My example is the I told you so line.  My parents used it constantly.  They were either too lazy to explain the reason, or didnt want to do what I was asking or just didnt want to admit they were being selfish.  It literally was the answer for everything.

    But, as an adult (I dont have kids of my own, but nanny) have found there are situations where that needs to be said.  Sometimes you literally cant tell them the reason, and sometimes, you do need to make sure they remember that you are the parent.

    But, I keep to what I swore I would enver do, which is over use it.

  2. I said I would never:

    1. use the reason, "because I said so!"  

    2. give them food in the car just to keep them occupied.

    3. let them watch TV for more than an hour a day.

    4. do any part of their homework for them no matter how hard and unreasonable the assignment was.

    5. eavesdrop on their conversations with their friends.

    6. beg them to call or email me while they were away at college.

    7. do anything that even remotely reminded me of my mother.

    (Of course she was wonderful, but who wants to become their own mother?)

    The list could go on and on.  Nothing makes you face reality like having children.

  3. I said I would never put my kids into day care and they go one day a week now and have done so for nearly 2 years. I always used to look at the state of their houses and be like how can they have such a messy house! roflmao Mine now about 10 times worse because my kids are ultra active and I am just never home anymore. I may need a clone to stay at home and clean my house I think.

    Mostly more than saying I would never do stuff I think I more did not realise what went into parenting. I thought it was hard when mine were babies now I laugh about my nievity. My two are 5 and 3.5 years now and my week consists of, my eldest at school on Monday, my eldest at school Tuesday and my son and I attend our local playgroup, Wednesday is day care and my shopping and bill paying day, Thursday is Early learning intervention with the kids and now Friday we have been offered a free day of day care which yes fun but more running for me. Sometime in between the running I have to get my stuff done which includes bills and shopping I don't get done on Wednesday, taking care of my appearance and personal hygiene, trying to find time to see doctors and go to the gym to care for my health. Oh and the one I am starting to find really hard eating. As I said to my friend I am planning on time to scratch myself 3 weeks from today lol.

  4. YESSSSS!!!!!!

    I knew everything about children until I had them. I have done sooo many things that I said I would never do that I really cannot name them all.

    Most fall into the category of things my parents did that I said I would never do. Who knew that they knew so much!!!!

  5. I said I would never sleep with my kids.......yeah lasted about a night of not getting any sleep, lol

    I would never give my kids junk mum the dentist is horrified (and they don't even get much, lol)

    I would never spoil my kids rotten........I just can't help it they are so cute.

    I would never argue with a 2yo...........sometimes they are just asking for it, lol

    I would never be told what to do by my it happens nearly everyday and I still don't like it, lol.

    But the thing I said I would do and I am living up to is giving my kids my love and the best opportunity I can give them.

  6. Lol oh yeah. Same deal, swore blind I would never ever allow my children to do things like eat Macdonalds, drink soft drink, etc etc, yeah they do it, not excessively but they do it, it's part of being a kid.

    I also swore blind that I would not turn into my mother..........they didn't work either..............

  7. Yes. I thought I'd never co-slept because a baby naturally belonged in the crib or bassinet. Boy was I wrong! We co-slept for the first couple of months and it was a wonderful experience. I still, in the mornings, bring him back to bed with me after he has a bottle and we cuddle for an hour or so. I also thought I'd be able to breast feed and didn't even think about formula until after we found out he couldn't latch properly. He's happy and healthy, though, so I can't ask for much else.

    It's just funny because we have all these expectations for how things are going to go and sometimes they either don't work out or we find out the complete opposite is just fine as well.

  8. Yes momma I do everyday I have a 9year old and a 2year old and before I was a mom I would say my child would never do this or that and after the 1st one I found myself doing alot of the things I said I wouldnt and after the 2nd I have just thrown  all of that out the window and try so hard to not say it or look at other parents and think what they are doing wrong in my eyes every mother has her own methods of parenting and will do some of the craziest things to make your child content just keep doing what you do and be the best mother possible...Good Luck 2 you!!!!!!!!

  9. Oh yeah, I let my baby watch TV and I swore I wouldn't until he was 2, I put my son to bed with a bottle, and I've let my 2 year old open numerous un-paid-for items to snack on while we are at Walmart.   Isn't it funny how that goes!

  10. Yes, I am sure there are many things I said I wouldn't do.  But you have to do whatever works, and don't say you won't do something because you could end up doing it!

  11. Oh yes.

    Mine was saying, "Because I said so!"  

    I'm guilty!  Three kids, all squabbling, volume goes up and finally it's "Because I said so!"

  12. Ha!  I said my daughter wouldn't EVER have a cell phone until she was in college or at least high school.  I thought kids who had them in middle school were SPOILED.

    It took less than one soccer season of me waiting for her after practice to get her a phone. It is so much easier with her having one.

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