
Do you do what the voices in your head tell you to do?

by  |  earlier

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Alliab, you first... ;)




  1. No, because there is no voice in my head to tell me what to do.Even if there is a voice in my head I won't obey thought.............

  2. No because they are usually negative and telling you to do bad things.  They're jerks so I wouldn't listen to them.

  3. Well I believe that in your head there are two voices one that always says to do whats right while the other tells you to do the wrong thing. Now even though i want to say i always listen to the good voice there are times when i don't. I'm still a work in progress  

  4. yes and no (depend what the things from voices in my head tell me to do)

    i will be think it again so many times about voices in my head.

    is it the right way to do or not.  

  5. Hello......I have just sent you your Tarot Reading.

    Now to answer your question......Yes sometimes I do. But this depends on exactly what the voices are telling you. If its something negative then my answer would be no and I would discard of this and ignore it. If something positive then yes.

    Often the voices in your head (unless you have been diagnosed with a mental health condition) is your on instincts. Also your Guardian Angels speak to you through your thoughts. Often however we tend not to listen to these little voices. I am sure there has been many times when you have thought AFTER acting on something...."I wish I had listened to myself and not done that".

    The best advice is often your own.....those little voices are well worth paying attention too in most cases.

  6. yes i listen 2 the voices in my head

    it got me out of some sticky situations b4

    i learned 2 go with my first instinct

    so i do and all it is

    is ur conscious talk'n 2 ya

    so listen if you want 2

    or it might be gardian angels

    or demons depending on the situation

    you ever heard of the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other

    like in the cartoons

    i feel what you are talk'n about

    your not crazy

    you just either have a good conscious

    or a bad one its normal

    I THINK  

  7. Do you?

  8. no because that voice tell me to do horrible things and drives me crazy

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