
Do you dread what tomorrow will bring?

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Do you dread what tomorrow will bring?




  1. Only if I did something terribly wrong today.

  2. If the the micro-managing, smile in your face and stab you in the back, lying, manipulative piece of dirt co-worker of mine gets the job of supervisor of my department, I will absolutely dread not only tomorrow, but every day I walk into that office.

    If, on the other hand, I win the Powerball lottery, no, not so much.

  3. Yes.

  4. I only dread what tomorrow will bring, when I am unsure of it.  If I know that tomorrow I will start a new job, i may be excited, but I will also dread  it.  "What will work be like?  Will I like it?  Will i get along with the other employees?  What if I need something and can't find it?  What if I can't finish all my duties?" Questions like these flood my mind,  my uncertainty brings froth dread to my perception of tomorrow.

    I like to think of myself as an optimist, so I try to ignore these thoughts and questions, and just do what I gotta do.  I may dread what tomorrow brings, but I try to ignore that dread and look toward the positive, and hope for tomorrow to come, so that I can better understand it.

  5. In an unsure world like ours is, a lot of people do.

    I do too.

  6. sometimes but only if i know that today i have done badly

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