
Do you dream of becoming famous one day?

by Guest21423  |  earlier

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how so?




  1. by making a breakthrough in my field of medicine ..  

  2. NO...I love to be in the shadow where no one can see me, I wouldn't be happy as a "famous" person

  3. i used to

    but now im thinkin on more simple terms

    my goals now are just to find happiness, where ever or whatever it may be i just wanna find it and hold on to it and thank God i found it

    if i can get happiness and fame at the same time then i might get a heart attack from the shock

  4. ****** if I know! I believe it will happen I guess.

  5. I often dream Evey week before doing the lottery that I will be a rich and famous lottery winner  

  6. yea,  famous, s**y and smart. =D

  7. no, i don't. i would hate having no privacy.

  8. I agree with Aussie...I'm already famous among the pple i love and care abt.

    the "other" fame..I dont need it, bcoz is something that goes and comes. The one I have...stays forever.

    Who do need more?

  9. I AM famous! don't y'all know Me?

    my pics are all over the place in LYR =)

  10. yeah .. i wanna be a singer ! :)

    or an actor .

  11. No, i dream to finish college, go to law school, become a lawyer and rake it in.

  12. What do you mean , one day ?      I am famous !

  13. I am very sure that i will be president of lebanon one day!

    Just wait and see :)

  14. yes i do i play guitar and im still young and have got time all i do is guitar other than at this moment lol and i believe that i will be famous for playing the guitar

  15. Not really...but if you would google my name (my real name that is) I'm allready pretty famous actually ;-)

  16. i am famous among my family, friends, coworkers ... to be crazy, funny, caring and sweet. ain't that enough?

    it is for me

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