
Do you drink after work and how much?

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i usually have about 3-4 beers 'carlton draught'

and half glass of burbon and port before bedtime what about u




  1. I usually have either a couple of Guiness' or Whiskey Sour's, depending how hard the day is.

  2. I always have a glass of red wine with my dinner.

    But that's all during the week.

    No fun going to work with a hangover.

    On the weekends is a whole other matter though!  :)

  3. yea sometimes about 2 to 3 beers unless i party

  4. I might have a drink with dinner but I dont really need to unwind after work because I love my job.

    I previously used to work as a tour guide at a vineyard though and after our shift we would all have a glass of wine and some cheese before we went home for the weekend. more of a bonding thing though :-)

  5. i drank before work before i failed a drug test there and got fired but no regrets id do it again.

  6. In Summer here in Australia,  Beer cold and

    chilled is lovevly , i might have 2 in the whole week!

    Depending how i feel when i come home, sometimes

    3 , this usualy means when i get home from work i

    have one beer sometimes.

    Winter not at all...exept at a restaurant with a meal once

    in a while. (usualy wine )

    On week-ends or Fridays, i might have 2 glasses of

    wine with Dinner......thats once say every three weeks

    So no not regularly.

  7. I'm pregnant now so nothing for me.

    Otherwise, when I am not...a glass or two or red wine a night is nice!

  8. i usually have at least 1 or 2 drinks after work... depending on my mood -- few glasses of wine, or a couple of beers... if fridge is empty of beer, then some vodka or bourbon

  9. sorry, i do drink only pure water & lime juice , nothing else.

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